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"He has a girlfriend," I tell Lucy over the phone. "A girlfriend,"

"He keeps his life so private and has never mentioned her to anyone. I told Rami and he was shocked," Lucy says. I can hear the empathy in her voice.

A tear streams down my face. The feeling is foreign to me. I rarely cry over feelings like this. Why am I so emotional and how do I get it to stop?

"Luce I was just getting feelings," I admit. There more I thought about it the more feely I got. I hated every second of it, but I was falling hard and fast. Now I'm still falling but I'm also carrying stones as I fall. 

"I know, love," she sighs. "Why are men the worst?"

"They really are the worst," I laugh. I sniffle slightly from the tears escaping from my eyes. 

I hear movement from Lucy's line like someone had entered whatever room she was in. Then the phone get shuffled around and I hear muffled talking. 

"Ari, this is Rami," Rami's voice says over the phone.

"Hi Rami," I say back.

"Lucy told me what happened and this is cow dung,"

I laugh at his choice of words. 

"It's fine. I'm fine," I sigh, trying to convince myself.

"No you're not," Rami and Lucy both chorus. 

"Listen we are going to fix this," Rami tells me. "Let's go out tonight. You, me, Lucy, maybe Gwil and Joe and we'll get completely wasted,"

Rami always knows how to make me feel better. So does Lucy, but Rami does it in his Rami way. 

"Fine," I agree. I hear Rami and Lucy cheering in the background. "You guys can come by my place,"

When I get off the phone, I take a moment to recollect myself. I haven't  gone out like this in forever. It's needed though.

I quickly straighten up my house. I have never ever have friends come over. I fear that they'll realize just how much money I have when they come over and I don't want that. Yes, I live in a nice house but I don't live in it to gloat. I just like the way it looks. Plus it was mine and dad's.

An hour later and I hear frantic knocking at my door. I rush over and open it to be greeted by Rami and Lucy.

"Come in," I say to them, making room for them to move. 

"Wow this is amazing," Lucy says.

The entrance is a grand one. When you walk in you are greeted with a spiral staircase, marble flooring, and a huge crystal chandelier.

"My father left it to me," I tell them. They both looked shocked. "I added a couple touches to it though,"

Dad had great taste, but I needed to modernize it. Of course I kept the majority of his things, but now it is just as much mine as it was his. 

"I am thoroughly shook," Rami says.

I can't help but laugh. 

"Why are you laughing?" Rami asks.

I shrug. "Shook," I mock him. "I like that. I should use it,"

The three of us prepare to go out. I tell Lucy she can borrow some of my clothes if she wants. We spend quite some time deciding on the perfect outfit but eventually we pick. I wear a black v neck which is tucked into a pair of white high waisted  jeans. I pair it off with red heels. Lucy wears a blue shirt I thought would compliment her, along with black pants that have crystals on them. I gave her my best clothing to choose from.

"Gorgeous," Rami says when we do our mini fashion show. I have a feeling that that compliment was more directed at Lucy than me. 

It takes us another half hour to get ourselves together and we eventually make our way to a bar in the middle of London. It's crowded, which is good because it takes the attention off of us so we do not get recognized. 

"There you are!" Joe shouts when we push open the door. We make our way to sit with him and Gwilym, who are seated at a table that is full of various types of alcohol. 

"We didn't know what to get everyone so we got everything," Gwilym tells us when we sit. 

I grab a drink that is blue in color. I look at Joe who shrugs. I take a sip. It's sweet. I like it and down it within five minutes. I down a couple more drinks and before I know it I am more than buzzed. All of us are. 

"If Brian or Roger sees you out they'll kill you," Joe tells me, yelling over the music that is blasting. 

"No," I say. I point a finger at him. "They'll kill you for bringing me,"

"I don't know how to respond," Joe says, mimicking me by pointing his finger. I laugh. 

"Luce let's dance," I say. I grab her hand and pull her toward the floor. I think the boys are following us, but I am too in my own bubble to really see. 

The music is blaring and I feel nothing but euphoria. I hold hands with Lucy for some reason the entire time we dance. Out of the corner of my eye I see Rami, Gwilym, and Joe dancing too. It's moments like these that I love. I might not remember it in the morning, but that's okay.

"I need to practice my moves," Rami announces. He drunkenly breaks out into a dance that I imagine he is working on for the role of my dad. I must say I am impressed. Even drunk he does a great job. 

Something comes over me and I think I have had one too many drinks. That mixed with the heat of the bar and the exhaustion from dancing and I feel like I am going to vomit.

"I'll be right back," I say.

I push through the crowd of people and finally land outside. The air is finally getting brisk again. I was sick of the summer heat.

I take a couple deep breaths, enjoying the air. It feels nice against my hot skin.

"Ari?" I hear a voice. Ben's.

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