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"No I need more passion from you," Aria tells Rami. We have been working on this one scene for what feels like ages. Aria has been cutting Bryan off every chance she gets to tell Rami to redo it. I must say, I find it amusing. Partially because it's not me she is correcting and partially because Bryan is getting visibly annoyed. However, he literally cannot stop her. 

"Is it my posture?" Rami asks. "I feel like that limits me sometimes,"

Aria has a thoughtful look on her face. She gets up from where she is sitting and walks over to him so that they are standing side-by-side. 

"Think of it like this," she says. "You want to pretend water is trickling down your back," The both of them straighten up. "Then 'giraffe it'," The stretch out their necks and spread their legs ever-so-slightly. "Then serve some spaghetti," Aria does this outrageous movement with her hand, Rami following. "There! Keep that energy. It doesn't need to be the same examples but whatever was going through your mind during that is what you want to channel,"

"A mini Fred," Roger comments from the side. 

"Can we get back to filming, please?" Bryan practically begs. I don't know what it is, but he has been extremely off lately. We've worked together before so I'm not quite sure what his deal is. I know that he's been getting a lot of shit lately for some accusations going out, but I don't know if they're true or not. It doesn't help that he hasn't exactly denied them to all of us. 

"It needs to be perfect, darling, or we don't film at all," Aria announces, walking back over to Bri and Rog and sitting down.

Over the past couple of days Aria has been extremely hands on with us. She's been mentoring us a lot more as well, and making sure that every detail is to her liking. Bri and Rog are all over it, especially when Bryan gets annoyed with how long production is taking. 

We finally manage to do the scene. Aria is pleased with Rami's performance, as are Brian and Roger. I'll admit his performance was pretty damn good. His is definitely the hardest to master.

After filming, my stomach begins to twist into a knot. Katriona is coming today. In fact she might already be here. It was supposed to be a weekend where the two of us can reunite and build up our relationship again but I have other plans. 

"Someone seems a little jittery," Joe says to me when we return to hair and makeup to de-wig. 

"Kat's coming today," I tell him. I've been trying to be more open about my life so I mentioned earlier this week my predicament with Kat and Aria. 

"You just have to do what you think is right," Gwilym tells me. He pulls off his curly wig exposing his light brown hair underneath. 

"I just don't want to hurt anyone," I groan. I pull of my own wig and place it on the mannequin head. "I'm going to no matter what,"

It's true. I either break up with Katriona and hurt her, or we stay together and I hurt Aria. According to various sources, meaning Gwil, Joe, Rami, and Lucy, Aria has been falling for me like me her. 

"If you explain yourself then they should at least understand," Rami tries to comfort me. It doesn't work. 

"You just need to be clear with your feelings," Gwilym says. "Girls like when you express everything. And I mean everything,"

He's right. I just need to say everything out loud to Katriona. Maybe she'll make the decision for me, although thats a horrible way to think. 

Once I have my own clothes, I say goodbye to the lads. Lucy and Aria aren't around so I just leave to find Kat. Lucy is probably changing and Aria is probably avoiding me. In all honesty she's most likely working, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was avoiding me. 

As soon as I step foot outside a blonde haired girl throws herself in my arms. It's Kat.

"Oh I've missed you so much," she cries into my chest. I wrap my arms awkwardly around her. 

"Hi Kat," I say quietly. 

She leans her head up towards me and I lean down to kiss her. It suddenly doesn't have the same feeling that it did when we first started dating. I do love her as a person and as a friend, but I don't know about more anymore. 

We walk hand in hand to a restaurant she picked out for dinner. It's casual, which I am grateful for because I am not in my best clothes.

"So how are you? How's filming? How's everything?" Katriona asks me almost as soon as we are seated. 

"I'm well," I answer. I open up the menu to look at all of the options. I am suddenly not as hungry as I was an hour ago. "Filming is good. Long but good. How are you?"

"I'm good. I just missed you," she replies. 

"What did you miss about me?" I ask before I can even stop the words from coming out. 

She closes her menu. I do likewise. "What a silly question," she answers. 

"That's not an answer,"

"Well I missed everything," she tells me. I sigh. "What did you miss about me?"

I didn't, I think. 

"The good times we used to have," I answer honestly. It's just all so different now. 

A waiter comes over and we place our order. He assures us it will be here shortly, and then leaves once more. 

"Listen, Kat, we need to talk," I say. I outreach my hand so that it covers hers. Her blue eyes bore into mine and I feel slightly intimidated. I know what I need to do. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I think we need to...take a break,"

"Are you breaking up with me?" she asks, horrified. She pulls her hand out of my grasp. 

"Well-" I go to say but Katriona cuts me off.

"It's been 8 years," she says, trying to remain calm. "What happened?"

I sigh and explain everything. How I feel like we've been going in circles, how I met Aria, how Aria makes me feel. Honestly Kat doesn't seem that upset. Part of her does, but that's normal. At least she's not screaming.

She sighs. "I appreciate your honesty," she tells me. "You know you're a good man. If you do wind up going for Aria, she'd be lucky to have you,"

"You think?"

"I do. Can you just promise me one thing?"

"Sure, Kat," I say.

"Just promise we'll remain friends. Eight years is a long time,"

I smile. "Of course,"

Relief washing over me as I realize what our conversation means. I can officially ask Aria out on a date. 

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