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lol I'm crying as I write this


The Finale Part 3/3


From the minute I stepped off stage, I felt exhilarated. My face was flushed and my heart was pounding. I knew immediately that performing was for me. Something just sparked inside of me.

I haven't been this happy or excited in ages. I could barely keep still when I took my seat back in the theater. And then it didn't stop there. When our sound team one twice, I was ecstatic. And then I won for best editing and it was one of the most memorable moments of my life, following of course Queen's performance from earlier. I nearly shit myself as I walked up on stage to accept my Oscar. My Oscar.

And then of course when Rami won? I cried. An actual tear streamed down my face. He deserves this so much and his speech was beautiful. Not even because ehe mentioned me in it, but because he mentioned Lucy and he choked up a little. This was a well deserved gift. So well deserved that as soon as I saw him after the ceremony concluded, I tackled him him so hard I think it finally straightened out his bow tie. 

I think we all cried tonight. Ben shed a couple tears and it warmed my heart to see everyone so soft.

"It was a well deserved night," Brian tells me when I see him. I had just come into the Vanity Fair Oscar party after loads of pictures. My cheeks hurt from smiling.

I walk into Brian's outstretched arms and give him a hug, followed by Roger.

"I just wish we won best picture," I tell the two of them. "But quite frankly, I think we've already won,"

I glance over to where I see Ben, Joe, Rami, Allen, Gwilym and Lucy all huddled in a group together, laughing over something. God it's been a crazy ride. But I'm glad these wonderful people were there through it all.

"Are you going to keep in touch with them?" Roger asks me. I peel my eyes away from the group and look back at Rog.

I smile. "Yeah. I don't picture my life without them," I say honestly.

Of course part of me fears that the lot of us will lose contact. It's a rational fear to have. But at the same time I have a gut instinct that it'll be hard for us to drop contact. I mean we talk nearly every day. I don't plan on losing them. Not without a fight anyways.

"Good," Roger laughs. "I like this bunch,"

"They're good kids," Brian agrees.

That they are.

"Did Rufus, Luke and Jimmy leave?" I ask.

"They're somewhere," Brian laughs. "I don't think they left but they're milling about,"

I'll find them eventually. They couldn't have gone far if they didn't leave the building.

Graham and Jim come up to Roger and I. Both of them outstretch their hands to me.

"Aria, it's been an absolute pleasure," Graham tells me. "Everything you were rewarded was well earned. Bohemian Rhapsody became everything we could have imagined and more. It was beautifully done,"

"You did an amazing job. Especially with the whole Bryan issue," Jim says to me, leaning in at the last part.

"That was a nightmare and I have a suspicion it's not over," Graham laughs darkly.

"Thank you," I tell the both of them. "And I sure as hell hope it's over. That whole thing with him and my ex was maddening. I can't go through it again,"

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