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"Hollywood?" I ask Jim. 

He nods. "We have a studio reserved there for a couple of days but we need to head over immediately," 

"And how come I wasn't aware of this?" 

"The same reason I wasn't,"

It doesn't make sense. I found out just now that we need to film in Hollywood for a couple of days, which I'm fine with, but Bryan withheld when we actually had to go. We only have the studio booked for a couple of days and we are scheduled to be there tomorrow.

"Good," I say, sarcastically. "Great,"

Jim sits across from me in one of the conference rooms in the studio where we are now. I place my fingers on my lips, attempting to think. I could easily get a plane but is it in the budget? 

"There's a crew there, we just need to get the actors over," Jim tells me. 

"Would you come?" I ask him. He smiles.

"I need to stay here, unfortunately. It would just be you,"

Even better. Me, the boys, and Lucy take a road trip to the United States where I'm in charge of them  all as well as in charge of where to be, when to be there, and what to do there. 

"Okay," I say. "Let me talk to them. Can you book my plane?" I ask, referring to the plane I use to travel.

Jim nods and I send a text out to the boys and Lucy, telling them to come meet me in the conference room. Jim leaves to make the call, and within minutes the boys are here with Luce. 

"Your text seems urgent," Joe comments. 

"Don't get me started," I warn him. They all sit down across from me. Ben sits the closest to me, but he keeps his distance since we are at work. "Guess what Jim told me?"

"That he loves us oh so much?" Joe guesses.

"There was some secret to do with dates and whatnot. Long story short we need to get on a plane and go to Hollywood to film for a couple of days," I say.

There's a silence and then Lucy speaks up.

"When would we leave?" she asks.

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. "Today,"

The silence that follows this time is longer than the first. 

"I literally just found out," I explain. "The information was not given to anyone. Jim only found out because Bryan sent a 'by the way you have to go to Hollywood today' text,"

"Is that legal?" Lucy asks quietly.

"Yes, unfortunately," I give her a sad smile. 

"How would we get there?" Rami asks.

"My plane," I answer.

"You have a plane?" Ben asks. 

I laugh. "Yes, love, I do,"

"Now I want to date her," Joe whispers to Ben. Ben uses the back of his hand to smack Joe's arm. "It was a joke,"

The door opens and Jim comes in. He looks frazzled. 

"If you leave at four then you'll get there at six their time, so then you can check in to the hotel and sleep before the next day," He says.

I look over to Lucy and the boys. They all nod and agree that they can be ready to go at four.

"I'll send for a car to pick you all up around three," Jim tells us. "This way we have time to get everyone and get to the airport on time," he leaves, probably to go make more phone calls regarding travel arrangements. 

"So it'll just be the six of us?" Lucy asks.

I nod. "Yes it will be,"

"And you're in charge?" Gwilym asks.

"I will be technically,"

"Blessed," Joe whispers. 

I tell them all to leave and go pack. I need to do the same after I finish up here. Ben lets the others go first so he can see me.

"It's like a vacation," he tells me. He grabs my hand and pulls it to his lips, kissing it lightly. 

"If you say so," I laugh.

"I need to go pack but I'll see you later," 

He slowly releases my hand as he walks away, outstretching my arm in the process. I can't help but smile. He's something.


"Costumes," Jim says at the airport. He took the ride with us to help me get all prepared. Brian and Roger wanted to come too but there wasn't enough room in the limo. 

"Already on the plane," I say. I watched the plane crew load them. 


"We have,"

"They have makeup and wigs and all that. Do you have the flashdrive to put all the information on?"

"It's in my bag,"

"Scripts, they have. Do you have the other files and paperwork that holds all the production information?"

I nod. "In my bag,"

"Everything else should be there so you should be okay. I'm always a call away, as are Brian and Roger and literally anyone else. Graham is also a call away. I know you haven't seen much of him, but he's working very hard behind the scenes. Keep us posted and don't do anything stupid," he says. I laugh and give him a hug.

"We'll be fine," I assure him, laughing slightly. 

We pull away and he leans against the limo, probably waiting until we take off. I turn back around and Ben outstretches his hand, which I take. 

"Ms. Mercury," Peter, the pilot, greets me. He stands by the stairs leading to the entrance of the plane. 

"Hi Peter. So sorry for the last minute plans," I say. I try to give him as much notice as possible but I have never given him this little. 

"Not an issue. Sam unfortunately couldn't come, so Marcus will be assisting me. He's already in the cockpit making sure everything is secure," 

Sam is the assistant pilot that usually accompanies Peter. I like Marcus though. He came a couple times before. 

I lead the way up the stairs, the others following me. The inside of the plane has ten seats. two by four on one side, and one by four on the other. Every other set of seats face each other so we can see each other. 

Ben and I take a two seater, Rami and Lucy in front of us. Gwilym and Joe take the seats adjacent to us. 

After buckling, I lean my head on Ben's shoulder. 

"How long is this flight?" Gwilym asks.

"Like eleven hours I think. Or ten," I answer.

"So in other words, long," Joe says.

I laugh. This is going to be a long flight but I'm glad I have these people with me. Ben kisses the top of my head. I grasp his hand in both of mine, refusing to let it go. I don't ever want to let it go.

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