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Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all a great year :)



I'm not surprised Mum and Dad didn't know who Aria was right off the bat. They've never been ones to really follow the media. Most people who know about her either follow the media regularly, or they are die hard Queen fans. 

"Aria Mercury?" Dad asks. His eyes are wide. "Well I'll be damned,"

"How come you didn't say anything earlier?" Mum asks.

"What's she supposed to say?" I chime in. "'Hey I'm Aria Mercury, daughter of legend Freddie Mercury, it's a pleasure to be in your home'?"

Mum gives me a look that could kill.

"So tell me, Aria. How did Ben land it with you?" Michael asks, slinging an arm over Aria's shoulders. Are we for real right now? "You know we have a collection of baby pictures upstairs I could run and get-"

"Okay that's the end of this conversation," I cut him off. The last thing we need is to break out my baby pictures. "Ari, how about I give you a house tour real quick, yeah?"

I grab her hand and whisk her out of the room. I do want to give her a tour, but I just needed to get out of there for a second. It's only been a couple of minutes home. This is going to be a long vacation. 

"Ben," Aria says as I pull her towards the front door. "Ben, you're grip is too tight,"

I loosen her hand immediately. I didn't realize how tight I was actually holding it.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. 

She stops me.

"What's up? You act strange every time you talked about your parents with me and you were quick to leave the room with them just now," she says. 

I sigh. "Come with me," I pull her up the stairs and into my old bedroom, shutting the door behind us. I sit down on my bed, Aria following suit. "My parents are separated and it's always stressful to be here. I spent a lot of time with my grandma while I was growing up, with Michael,"

Aria takes both of my hands in her own. "I didn't know that," she tells me. She wouldn't, because I don't bring it up. 

"My mum and I have always had this weird relationship. She never really approved of the things I did. She was the last to accept my career, and  she's obviously having a hard time with the fact Kat and I broke up. I've always been closer to my dad,"

"I'm sorry, love," she says quietly. 

"Don't be sorry. I wanted you to come because I did want you to meet them..." I trail off. 

"You wanted support," she tells me. I nod. I guess I did. "Listen, we're going to have a great dinner with your family and then we can always leave at any time. We're not forced to stay,"

I just don't want to ruin this mini vacation. 

"You'll like Grandma," I tell her. "She's cool,"

She grins. "I look forward to meeting her," Aria gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

Her eyes then wander around the room. It's not much, but you can tell it's my old room. Pictures of me from when I was a child are all over the dresser. I groan internally. I was trying to avoid this but I walked right into it. 

"Is that you?" she asks, standing up and walks to my dresser, picking up a photo in a large white frame.

"Yes," I mumble. She picked up the one from where I was a little kid at my first theater production at my primary school. My teeth are way too big and I have bangs that nearly cover my eyes. 

"You're adorable," she says.

My cheeks flush. I am beyond relieved when I hear someone knock on the door. It's Grandma. 

"Let's go meet Grandma," I tell Aria. 

She turns around and gives me a cheeky smile. "You can avoid looking at your pictures for now, but this is not over," she jokes. 

I stand up. "If you say so," We join hands again and make our way downstairs.


I was right. Grandma adores Aria. They've been talking almost nonstop since dinner started, with Michael, Dad, and myself chiming in every now and then. Mum barely says a word. 

"You know I've always had a crush on that Brian May," Grandma says. 

Dad chokes on his food.

"What about Dad?" he asks Grandma. 

"Oh I loved your father. I still do even though he's passed. But Brian May always had a special place right in here," Grandma points to her heart. 

"He's wonderful," Aria agrees. "You know, maybe I can set something up where you get to meet him,"

"Ari, you don't have to," I say.

"Oh no, it wouldn't be an issue. Brian loves meeting people, especially fans," she winks at Grandma. What is happening?

"I'd be honored dear, but don't go out of your way for me," Grandma tells Aria. 

"I'll see what I can do," 

We finish our meals. I help Mum clear off the table. Michael, Dad, Grandma and Ari are all deep in conversation still at the table, talking about I don't even know what. 

"You're awfully quiet," I tell Mum. I hand her the dishes I have in my hands.

"There's nothing for me to say," she says. She puts the dishes in the sink and begins to wash them.  The lot at the table suddenly gets up and walks out of the room. 

"Do you at least like Aria?" I ask.

Mum sighs. "I think she's lovely. I'm just getting used to Kat not being around,"

I roll my eyes. "I get it, but Aria's who I want to be with," 

"I just want you to be happy, and if you are then I am too. Just give me some time to get used to it,"

We stand in silence for a little while, until I hear it. It's similar piano playing to what I heard at the Hollywood studios with the lads. I walk out of the kitchen and follow the sound of the playing. It comes from a separate room in our house, which contains a couch and a piano, as well as a couple other decorations and pieces of furniture. Aria sits at the piano, her eyes closed playing a song. She begins to sing gently, one of the Queen songs 'Love of my Life'. 

Her voice is Freddie's, but female. She sings gently but I know she could belt out the vocals if she wanted to. 

I look over to my family staring in awe at Aria from the couch. Grandma looks over and beckons me to join her. I oblige, and sit next to her. 

"She's a keeper," Grandma whispers in my ear. 

I don't say anything but I smile as I look at her. The song title she's singing is appropriate. I haven't known her for terribly long, only a couple of months, but something tells me - this feeling I have - that she really is the love of my life. 

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