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To my Queen 2.0 supporters. This one goes out to you my lovelies :)



"I haven't talked to John in ages," Rufus Taylor tells me. The two of us are on our way to Jimmy May's flat, to pick him up.

"Me neither," I say, sighing dramatically. I run a hand through my hair. This should be interesting since we have virtually no way of finding Luke Deacon. "I thought you talked to Luke? You made it sound like you did when we first met,"

"I mean I did. When we were younger..."

"That isn't helpful. We're going in blind,"

Rufus pulls in to Jimmy's driveway and honks his horn. I watch as he comes hurrying out. His hair is curly like his fathers. He looks just like him, I'll admit. If Jimmy, Brian, and Gwilym all got together I'd have a stroke.

"Hello," Jimmy greets us, climbing behind my seat.

"Hi Jimmy," I say.

Rufus pulls out of the driveway and we venture out on our journey.

"So mate, we really don't know where to look," Rufus explains.

John Deacon had disconnected from us. We don't really keep in contact. We've tried, and I've talked to him every now and then, but it's not like it used to be from when we were kids. Luke Deacon was the closest to us because he's the closest in age (the rest of John's kids are older). But he too disappeared along the line and we haven't spoken in a while.

We tried to call about this crazy idea Rufus came up with, but we never heard anything. I have a suspicion we have the wrong number. So right now we are going to John's house in hopes that he won't mind us just stopping by.

My hands are sweaty with nerves. I rub them against my jeans.

"You don't think John will tell us to leave, do you?" Rufus asks. I can tell he's nervous too.

"I don't think so," Jimmy says. "He'll probably just be taken back,"

I stare out the window as we progress. John isn't far from us, but it feels like forever until we get to his house. Once there my anxiety has sky rocketed.

I take a deep breath and unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Let's do a thing," I say, opening my car door.

"Let's do a thing," Rufus and Jimmy say quietly, getting out.

The three of us walk to John's front door. Rufus is the one who knocks. Within minutes a woman answers. It's John's wife, Veronica.

Her eyes go wide when she realizes who we are. She opens the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asks quietly, letting us in and pulling each of us in for a hug.

"Well we needed to ask a question and figured we would stop by, I hope that's alright," Rufus says.

Veronica leads us in. "John we have visitors!" she yells out for her husband.

I always likes Veronica. She's a sweet lady. The whole Deacon family is sweet. They have six kids together.

"Who is it, Ronnie?" I hear John ask.

The grey haired man comes walking in towards where we are from he back of the house. He stops in his tracks when he sees us.

"Well I'll be damned," he whispers. He walks slowly towards us, Veronica stepping out of the way, looking at us with awe. John comes and stands in front of us, studying our features. For a moment I think he might get mad and tell us to leave, but a smile spreads on his face and He too gives us each a hug. "It's been a while, hasn't it. Do you want some tea? Ronnie can you put up a pot?" Veronica hurries out of the room and into the kitchen to our left. "Well come in! Don't be strangers,"

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