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"So Aria, what's your favorite color?" Michael asks me. We sit at the kitchen table, the next morning while Angela makes breakfast.

"Yellow," I answer without even thinking about it.


I shrug. "I dont know. It's a cheery color," I answer.

"What about your favorite food?" Michael asks.

"Indian food, definitely,"

"I love Indian food," Michael beams, rubbing his stomach. "Mum when is breakfast going to be ready?"

Angela turns to look at him from where she is cooking at the stove.

"Five minutes, maybe. You're 25 years old, maybe you can pitch in and help a little," she tells him, waving a wooden spoon in his direction.

"That's okay, you're doing a wonderful job," Michael says with a smile.

"You're only a year younger than Ben," I comment.

"I am indeed," he tells me.

Michael has been asking me nonstop questions since Ben left us alone at the table so he could go shower.

"Good morning," Keith greets us, sitting down at the table. He gives both Michael and I a smile. "How are you?"

"I am doing fantastic," Michael answers.

"Not you," Keith retorts, then looks at me.

I laugh. "I'm well thank you," I say.

"Any big plans for the day?"

"Not that I'm aware of," I tell him.

Ben finally shows up, sitting down at the table next to me.

"Hope they're not scaring you too much," Ben says, laughing nervously.

"No we were just getting to know each other," I assure him.

Angela comes over putting plates down in front of us, along with the food she made. It looks wonderful and I realize how hungry I am. There's bacon, scrambled eggs, toast with an assortment of jams.

"This looks wonderful, thank you," I say to the woman. She gives me a smile.

"Eat up before it gets cold," she tells us all.

I eat like I've never eaten before. The food is exceptional. I do love a home cooked meal. 

"I have an idea for the day," Michael states when we finish eating. I somehow still feel hungry, yet I'm satisfied with what I ate. 

"What's that?" Ben asks. 

"You'll see," he tells us with a wink.


I have to admit it's pretty nice. Ben was worried the entire car ride where Michael was taking us. Turns out he was just taking us to the beach.

"Now the water should still be warm because it's November," Michael tells us as we walk on the sand. I gave up wearing my shoes a little while ago so one of my hands is occupied with my shoes, while the other holds Ben's hand. 

It's brisk out, but I don't mind. My jacket keeps me warm enough, as well as the heat from Ben. It's not much heat, but its enough to satisfy.

"We used to come here as kids all the time," Ben tells me. 

"Really?" I ask.

I can picture it. Little Ben and little Michael running around on the beach, throwing sand at each other and splashing in the water. They might even have built sand castles or dug around for those tiny crabs. 

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