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BIG SHOUTOUT TO RAMI MALEK AND BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY FOR WINNING TWO GOLDEN GLOBES TONIGHT. I haven't smiled that wide in ages. I literally cried lol This chapter goes out to Queen. Let me know your thoughts :)



It's Saturday, the day I'm meeting Rufus Taylor. I'm a lot more nervous than I expected. My nerves made the last couple of days fly by.

Yesterday we spent the day with Ben's grandmother. She's such a sweet lady and I had no problem opening up to her about basically my entire life. It was so strange. I just knew that she cared and was genuinely interested. 

But now, Ben and I have left for the day to meet Rufus a couple towns over. Ben said he's going to back off so I can have my alone time. I'm grateful, not because I don't want him there, but I just need to speak to Rufus one on one. 

"Nervous?" Ben asks me as we pull into the parking lot of the coffee shop Rufus and I are meeting at. 

"What makes you say that?" I ask him.

He gives me a look as he pulls into a spot. "You've been fidgeting with your hands this entire car ride,"

Ah yes that would give it away.

"I don't know why, I'm nervous," I tell him. "Rufus and I go way back. I think I'm just nervous about putting my musicality out there,"

Ben grabs one of my hands. I feel bad because it's as sweaty as can be but he doesn't flinch or pull away. 

"You're going to do great. Whatever happens is meant to happen, just remember that. And it's not like you're meeting a stranger, you know?" he tells me. He leans in giving me a kiss. "I'll be just down the street. I'm probably going to go shopping. Maybe pick up Grandma something," 

I smile. "Okay. Wish me luck," I tell him opening the car door.

"Good luck. I love you," he tells me, leaning over so I can still see him. 

"I love you too," I tell him, grinning as I shut the door and walk into the coffee shop, making sure to not forget my purse that has everything I need in it.

My eyes scan the room and they eventually fall on a blonde haired man with his hair pulled into a bun. He's clad in all black, and flipping through a book. I walk over to him sitting down.

"Well if it isn't the Rufus Taylor," I tell him. 

"I should be the one saying that about you, Ms. Mercury," he says with a smile. 

He looks like Roger, but also not at all. He probably looks more like young Roger than Roger now, naturally. They have the same eyes and smile though. 

"So we're talking music today," he tells me, interlacing his fingers. 

"Yes indeed," I say. I reach into my purse and pull out a book where a lot of my songs are written. I place it on the table, putting my purse on the ground between my feet. 

"So what made you decide to reach out?" Rufus asks, curiously. 

I sigh. "I've been thinking about it for a while because you kept offering. One day while shooting for the film, Ben Hardy, do you know him?" Rufus nods. "Well he came up to me and said I should reach out. I thought about it and decided he was right. I'm ready to put myself out there. I just needed a little convincing first," I laugh.

"He knows the real deal," Rufus laughs. "Are you close with Ben?"

I clear my throat. "Well I'm actually dating him," I say, my cheeks blushing slightly. 

"Oh really? That's great! You know I thought I had seen something in a magazine about you two together but I didn't pay much attention to it. The media is always twisting things," 

"Tell me about it," I groan.

"But thats great though. I'm glad you found someone decent. At least I hope he is,"

"He is," I say. "He's great actually. We haven't been dating a while but there's just something about him I adore,"

"Aw you're turning all red," Rufus says, laughing. "We can double date. You, Ben, Me, and Jess,"

"I'll take you up on that," I say to him. 

"So," Rufus says, changing the subject. "I do really want to perform with you and make music. I was so happy when you reached out and I had this crazy idea,"

Crazy idea? My stomach churns.

"What's the idea?" I ask.

"Well I'll tell you in a second. Would you be comfortable singing or is there any other instrument you prefer?" Rufus asks. I'm still concerned with his crazy idea however. 

I shrug. I can play any instrument really, but my heart is with singing. 

"Singing," I tell him. "But I can play anything," 

Rufus' smile widens. "So you could sing and I could play the drums,"

I roll my eyes. "So we'll be like our parents," I point out jokingly. 

Rufus looks at me, raising his eyebrows. 

Wait a minute. Is his idea what I think it is?

"Rufus, what's your crazy idea?" I ask slowly. Now I need to know.

"I have a feeling you're piecing it together," He tells me with a grin. He leans forward in his seat and brings his head close to mine. "Hear me out," he says quietly. "Luke Deacon plays the bass, Jimmy May plays guitar..."

"So you're saying we ask them to join us..." 

"To create Queen 2.0,"

I'll be damned. I had a suspicion this is where he was going. 

"Obviously we can call it something else - something original - but how cool would it be? If we all have chemistry anyways, I don't want to force it, but something in me is saying that this is a great idea,"

I look at him, narrowing my eyes while I think. It's a curious idea, and a bold one at that. If the four of us could come together that would be something. Maybe it won't work out, but I'm leaning towards trying it. 

"Alright," I say. "Let's do it. Let's make Queen 2.0,"


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