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Maybe not as regular but I'm still back and I did a lot of thinking over the past couple days and guess what......I know how this book officially will end. It's definitely coming up (not too soon but sooner than not soon) and I'm excited for it to be honest.

Will there be a sequel? Will it end with this book? I read all your comments and I've decided to keep it a secret for now. I went with my gut so you will find out at the very end xxx



"Are you sure there's no room for it?" I ask Graham King. 

He shakes his head and gives me a sad look. "No, I'm sorry Aria. It probably could fit, but we're on a time limit as it is and it doesn't mold to the storyline," he tells me.

I nod, sighing and leaning back in my seat. I fought so hard to have the '39 scene in Bohemian Rhapsody, but it just doesn't look like it will make the cut. I guess Graham is right in that it doesn't quite fit the storyline of what we are going for. 

"But we can, however, include it in a deleted scene. You know when we release on DVD," Graham continues. 

I give him a smile, deciding to settle for that. Well technically I have no choice but to settle for it, but still. 

We've finally come into the last steps of editing the movie. I've barely gotten to enjoy the warmer weather because of how much time I've spent indoors working on this thing. Hell, I've barely had time to spend with Ben and he's leaving soon for California soon since he got the role in that movie. They offered it to him right on the spot when he went for his screen testing a little while ago.

I was ecstatic when he told me, I really was. I'm just sad that he'll be away for about three months. I mean that's so long. But we'll keep in contact, obviously, and I'll try and visit if I can. 

"Are you okay?" Jim Beach asks me. I didn't even realize that I had failed into a trance. 

I nod. "Yeah, sorry," I say, looking away from all the monitors and at Jim. "I just got lost in my thoughts,"

"Ben?" he asks, slightly amused. 

"Maybe..." him and Graham exchange a look between each other. "What? Can't a girl miss her boyfriend?"

"Yes, Aria, you can," Jim says, addressing his attention back to one of the monitors. I huff and follow his actions, directing my attention towards the numerous scenes of Bohemian Rhapsody we need to edit. 

"How's he doing anyways?" Graham asks me. 

I shrug, dragging my mouse on the computer screen in front of me over to a clip I want to edit. 

"He's good. He just landed another movie role. I think it's on the down low though, so don't say anything," I explain. I smile softly when I see Ben on the screen in front of me. 

"That's good for him!" Graham explains.

"He's going to do big things," Jim agrees. 

"That he is," I say.

Ben's already come a long way, and I have a feeling this is just the beginning. Especially after Bohemian Rhapsody launches. I think he'll gain a lot of recognition, not just from Directors and producers, but also from fans. I don't think he knows what he is in store for yet. 

Graham, Jim and I work for a couple more hours before we call it a day and go our separate ways. I sing along to some Queen songs on my way home, warming up my vocals for when Heirs decides to launch. 

We've been making more progress. We have a total of three complete songs as of now. Technically we got launch them as singles, but we'd rather have a whole demo and with Bohemian Rhapsody still underway, it's hard for us to get together. We work on it when we can, keeping in touch constantly.

I sigh, thinking about my careers. I feel stressed like normal. The timeline is getting to me and I'm excited to be done with the movie. I love it, and it's going to be worth it when its over, but all the little details are driving me crazy and it's driving me crazy so much because I need it to be perfect. 

I pull into my driveway after unlocking the gate, and smile a little when I see Ben's car. I park quickly and make my way inside, eager to see him.

I immediately hear music blasting through our house. It sounds like the radio, and I follow it upstairs towards the source.

Amused, I lean against my door frame as I watch Ben singing along to an Ariana Grande song. He wears only sweatpants and his hair is an absolute wreck. He throws a couple shirts into a bag, packing for when he has to leave to film. At the climax of the song, he grabs a hairbrush to sing into and turns around, his eyes going wide when they land on me. For a second I think he's going to stop, but he continues, finishing the song while his eyes don't leave mine.

"You're insane," I tell him when he's finished his performance. He comes over and grins as he gives me a kiss.

"You love it," he says. I can't deny that. 

I walk over to the bed, falling dramatically on it. Ben comes and lies next to me, careful not to push his suitcase off the edge of it. 

"How did it go today?" Ben asks, scooting closer to me and putting his arm around my waist. He pulls me close to him so we become one. 

"It was fine. I love it, but I think I'm going mad," I laugh darkly. 

Ben chuckles. "It's a lot," he tells me. "I know I haven't directed or edited but I've seen it done,"

"I just like everything to be a certain way. I know it'll get there but it's absolutely maddening to sit for hours trying to perfect one scene,"

Ben sighs. "If you have anything to do with it then it's going to be amazing," he kisses my temple. 

"You're just obligated to say that.." I mutter. 

"No no, I'm not obligated to say anything," he argues. "I choose to say it because it's true," 

Ah yes, it's moments like these where I realize he's the one. He's it for me. 

"You're pretty okay, you know that?" I tell him, smiling.

Ben laughs. "Thank you, my love. You're pretty okay too," 

We spend the next couple minutes just talking about our day before we both get up. Ben decides to cook dinner for us since it is a lot later than I thought. I opt to take a shower in the meantime, however it's cut short by the sound of an alarm going off. 

I quickly hop out and put on one of my robes, flying down the stairs and into the kitchen. I find Ben waving a pan to clear the smoke out of the air so our smoke detector stops screaming. 

"So," Ben says, turning to look at me once the alarm stop sounding. I give him a sympathetic look as my hair drips everywhere on the floor. "What are your thoughts on take out instead?"

I laugh and give Ben a smile and a nod. What am I going to do without this boy for a couple months?

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