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Hi guys :) just a heads up that I do a lot of research for my books but for Ben's family there was very little information about them online so I'm going with what I have but the details might be a little off. Thank you xx



I drag my suitcase down the stairs and by the front door. I think one should be enough to get me through the next couple of days. I just need a couple outfits and my hair supplies and makeup things. Luckily I don't need me laptop since I don't need to work, but I do need my phone and charger.

I also need my notebook with all the music in it I've written. I can't forget that because I wasn't planning on coming home before meeting with Rufus.

A knock on my door signals Ben is here. I walk over, straightening out my shirt, and open it.

"Hello, Love," he says, and kisses me before I let him come inside.

He has a white shirt on underneath a black jacket, as well as a grey beanie on. I don't believe I've ever seen him with a hat on before, but I like it.

"I think I have everything," I say, throwing on my own coat. I grab my purse and phone as Ben takes my suitcase.

"Good thing is we're not too too far. Plus we can always buy something if you forget it," Ben tells me.

Not my music book, I say to myself. But that's in my purse so I'm all set.

"Okay, I'm ready," I say.

We walk out and I lock my front door behind me. Ben gingerly places my suitcase in the backseat of his BMW, then we sit up front. 

"It's about a 2 hour drive," he tells me once we start driving. 

Ben had been prepping me for hours last night about meeting his parents. We'll be staying with them in his old home, and his brother and grandma will be coming for dinner later on. I'm excited to meet them. A little nervous, but that's expected. 

Ben and I spend practically the entire car ride talking about what to expect with his parents. He seems tense. He's excited to see his brother and grandmother, but there's something different about when he talks about his parents. He almost seems more nervous to see them than I am, to a degree. 

We finally pull up to this quaint house, only a couple of minutes away from one of the Bournemouth beaches. The house is a cream color, and has red shutters and a red door. I like it. It's cute. 

"I haven't exactly introduced you yet to them," Ben tells me in a hushed tone. I remember him telling me that a couple days ago. "They're still upset over Kat but they know I'm dating someone else,"

"It'll be okay," I say. Maybe that's why Ben seems so tense. I place my hand on the side of his face and lean in to kiss him gently. "Let's go woo your parents, yeah?"

We step out of the car, Ben saying we'll get our suitcases later incase we need to make a "mad dash" after dinner. Ben knocks on the door, which is weird because it's technically his house, but I don't say anything.

"Hello Ben!" A blonde woman exclaims when she opens the door. She wears a white lace shirt and khaki pants. She gives Ben a hug then moves to the side to let us in.

"Hi Mum," Ben says.

The woman closes the door and directs her attention towards me.

"So you must be the girl who's stolen Ben's heart," she says with a tight smile. Normally that would be a nice compliment, but I'm almost positive she meant I stole his heart away from Katriona. 

I extend out my hand to the woman. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones," I tell her. "I'm Aria,"

"Aria," she repeats. "You can call me Angela, dear,"

A man approaches us, who I am assuming is Ben's father. He looks remarkably like him, only with a beard and brown hair and glasses. 

"Aria, this is Keith," Angela tells me. Keith pats his son on the back and then shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you," I say.

"And you as well," he says, giving me a smile. He seems warmer than Angela. I relax a little. 

"Well come in, come in, don't be strangers," Keith says, beckoning us to follow him into the sitting room I'm assuming.

The house is nice. It's very clean. Pictures of Ben and his family litter the walls and tables throughout. When we finally reach the room, I sit next to Ben on a floral couch, Angela and Keith in chairs opposite us. 

"So tell us, son, how's the movie?" Keith asks. He crosses one of his legs over the other.

"It's great. I love it," Ben replies. "A lot of amazing people are working with me on it,"

"I understand you two met on set, is that correct?" Angela asks. Ben and I nod. "We never got in detail but Ben had mentioned it briefly,"

"I didn't know that. Are you a Queen fan too?" Keith asks me.

Ben shifts uncomfortably in his seat. I find it amusing that they don't know who I am. It's also refreshing. 

"You could say that," I reply. 

"I've been to my share of Queen concerts back in the day. I was thrilled when Ben got the part to this film," Keith says. 

"What exactly is it that you do?" Angela asks me. Yup, she scares me. Just her tone and judging face doesn't sit right with me. 

"Well I was the executive producer for a period of time. Now I've taken over as director," I tell her.

"That's impressive, especially for someone your age," Keith chimes in. "Did you have connections?"

"Well technically," I laugh. 

A knock on the door causes Angela to stand up quickly and rush to it to let in whoever came. 

"It's probably Michael," Keith says quietly. 

The three of us stand up to greet the man who just came in. He looks very much like Ben, so it must be his brother. 

"No fucking way," he says when his eyes fall on me. "Ben said he was dating someone but he didn't say who,"

We shake hands, Michael not looking away from me. 

"Do you know each other?" Angela asks, laughing nervously.

Michael and I shake our heads.

"No," Michael says. "But that's Freddie Mercury's daughter, Aria,"

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