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GUYS I was planning on writing literally all day but I got writers block on all my stories and then took a nap lol this is a shorter chapter than normal but I'm going to update at least once more before I go to bed lol 



My eyes flutter open. Sunlight seeps through the windows, illuminating the room. I fix my position in Ben's arms and turn to look at him. His eyes are open already, looking at me.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask, my voice sounding hoarse. 

"Not long," he replies. Somehow I don't believe him. 

I sit up, careful not to disturb Ben too much. I run my hands over my hair to try and smooth it out, then stand up and stretch. I pull my phone out of my pocket, forgetting it was there. It reads nine in the morning. Not too bad, although we did sleep a ton yesterday. 

I also have a hundred messages from Jim, Brian, and Roger. They want to know what time I can come down today.

Shit, I think. I quickly type out a message to each of them saying I can come down as soon as possible. 

"I need to leave. I need to get to the studio but I need to go home to shower first because I feel so gross," I tell Ben, yawning after the words leave my mouth. 

"Do you want to shower here?" Ben asks me, sitting up to face me. I smile because his hair is sticking everywhere. "Then I can take you to work and hopefully I can have a surprise for you after you are done,"

It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, and it would save me some time. Plus I'm intrigued by this whole surprise thing. 

"Surprise?" I ask.

Ben nods. "If it works out then yes,"

"What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?"

I smile. He's right. It wouldn't.

"Okay," I give in. "I just need to rifle through my bags to get everything,"

It takes me a couple minutes to locate all my belongings. I finally gather up the hotel shampoo and conditioner that I took, as well as some clothes and makeup. Ben shows me to the bathroom and helps me set up everything. 

"Obviously use as many towels as you need. And I have soap and stuff in there too," Ben tells me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thank you," I say.

I go to shut the door but Ben kisses my forehead first before he exits, leaving me to do my business. 

I get ready as quickly as I can. The water feels nice, loosening up all my muscles that I didn't realize were this tense. I feel extremely cold when I get out. 

Once out, I throw on my clothes and apply light makeup to my face. I run my fingers through my hair to get the knots out since I left my brush in my suitcase. I look...presentable. 

My phone begins to ring then. I pick it up, and walk out of the bathroom with the rest of my things in my other hand. 

"Hello?" I say into it. 

"Hello," I hear Ben say before he looks at me and realizes I'm on the phone.

"Hey Ari," I hear on the other line. It's Lucy.

"Hey Luce, what's up?" I say. I hold my phone to my face via my shoulder so I can shove my things messily into my suitcase.

"I just - I needed to talk because I meant to yesterday but it was weird and we were all sleeping on the plane and we were never alone -"

"Luce," I cut her off. I walk over to Ben's bed and sit down on the end of it. He's laying down adjacent to me. "Calm down. What's going on?"

Lucy sighs. "It's about Rami," she whispers. 

Now she has my full attention. A smile creeps onto my face because I think I know where this is going. 

"Okay..." I say.

"It's just, I think I like him. Like really like him," she admits. 

I stand up. "I knew it! I bloody knew it," I yell. Ben gives me a weird look. "I think you'd be great together," I tell her honestly. 

Lucy sighs loudly. It sounds like she was holding in a breath of air this whole time. 

"I'm so relieved to hear you say that. I was scared," she tells me. 

I sit back down, moving this time so that I sit directly next to Ben. He leans so his head is pressing into my side. I play with his hair with my free hand. 

"Why would you be scared?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I guess I was scared of getting into a relationship with a cast member," she says.

"I mean I am," I point out.

"True. I've just never been in this situation," she laughs. 

"Well I'm not Bryan Singer. I won't get mad at you guys for being together," I feel Ben snicker when the words leave my mouth. 

"It feels so good to admit it to someone," Lucy tells me. "We aren't official but I think he wants to ask me out on a date,"

"I'll talk to him nonchalantly," I say. I keep saying I'll do it but I always forget. 

"Oh you don't have to. But Ari, if he does, we could go on double dates!"

I laugh. "Yes, Luce we could. Although I think Joe and Gwilym would find a way to join,"

"I can see that happening,"

I sigh. "Listen, I need to run because I have to go to the studio but let's hang out with week before we leave for break, yeah?"

"Okay! We can make plans tomorrow,"

"Sounds good," I smile. We exchange our goodbyes and I hang up.

"Lucy and Rami?" Ben asks.

"Yes," I tell him. "We need to find out if he's going to officially ask her on a date,"

"I'll do that part. It'd be too obvious if you did it," 

"Oh hush," I sigh dramatically, realizing I really do need to leave. "Ben, can you take me to the studio now?"

"Of course, darling,"

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