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"It was amazing," I say. I lift my wine bottle up to my lips and take a large sip. "I can't believe it,"

"I can," Lucy tells me.

After my date with Ben I immediately called Lucy and told her to come over. To my pleasure she came with two bottles of wine. The two of us now lay in my bed, slightly drunk from nearly downing a bottle each. 

"You two are perfect for each other," Lucy says, hiccuping at the end. 

"I feel like I barely know him you know? But at the same time I really know him," I say. The words make no sense once they come out. 

"From the moment I met you I knew you guys would be perfect together,"

"Why'd you think that?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. We all felt that way,"

"I didn't know that,"

Lucy takes a sip of wine from her bottle. And by sip I mean she chugs a good portion of it. 

"So Ben didn't kiss you?" she asks. She sounds disappointed.

"Well he kissed my cheek," I respond. "I think that's better. It shows he's waiting,"

"I guess. I mean it was the first date. Will there be another?" 

I blush. "He asked me and I said yes,"

"Aria! You have another date, that's amazing!" Lucy squeals. She turns over and wraps her arms around me so we are in this weird embrace all while lying down. 

The rest of the night is spent talking about feelings in some way or another. I spend a while getting all my feelings out about Ben. I didn't realize I had so many or that I was capable of feeling so much. Perhaps it was the alcohol that prompted it. 

When I would finally shut up about Ben I realize that Lucy is starting to develop a little crush on Rami. They hung out the same time I had my date and Lucy said it was "magical". She doesn't know if it will ever work out but I told her I would try to insert my two cents into it. She begged me not to, but if I could at least try to give her the same happiness I have right now then I want to try.



"There he is!" Joe says, shooting up from his seat to greet me when I walk into hair and makeup.

I roll my eyes but the smile that has been on my face since last night doesn't leave. 

"How'd it go, mate?" Gwilym asks me.

I sit down besides him while Emelia, our makeup artist, greets me and starts to work with my hair to put my wig on. 

"It went well," I say. 

"We need details," Joe tells me. He pulls up a chair so he sits next to me as well. 

I open my mouth to start talking but Rami walks in.

"Oh Benjamin!" he says and flaunts over, also pulling up a chair. "I need to know everything,"

So I tell them. I tell them where we went, most of what we talked about, and how I felt about the whole thing. Some things Aria told me were meant just for me so I leave out any really personal details, but I give them the gist. 

"So will there be a second date?" Rami asks me as we make our way on to the set. 

My eyes land on the beautiful girl who stands off to the side with Roger and Brian. She notices me and smiles, giving me a small wave. I stop in my tracks to look at her and I give her a small smile.

"Yeah, there will be," I tell Rami. 

We do our thing and I find myself enjoying this scene more than others. I've really found myself finding a home here on set. Between playing this amazing character and the people I've met I love every minute of it. We all connected really quickly and closely and I am living for it. 

I also can't help but catch Aria's eye a couple times as we film. Bryan yells at me every time I forget my lines but I can't help it. I see Aria and I just - I dunno - melt. It sounds so cheesy but it's the only way I can describe it. 

"Ben, what are you doing?" Bryan asks me yet again.

I realize I had been staring off into the distance and completely forgot my lines. Again.

"So sorry," I say. I hear the boys snicker around me. They know what's on my mind. 

"Is something wrong?" Bryan continues. I internally roll my eyes. "Is something bothering you? Because clearly you aren't here right now,"

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. 

"Ben had a date and he's a little lovestruck," Rami announces. Gwilym and Joe start to laugh from amusement but my face heats up. 

"With who? Didn't you and Kat just break up?" Bryan asks. Man word travels fast around here. I wonder who told him 

I glance over at Aria and Bryan must follow my eyes for that split second. He looks between her and I and realization hits his face.

"Are you serious?" he spits.  I don't think he's angry, but he's more in shock. "That could look bad on you, on the movie, on the casting crew-"

"Oh shush, Bryan," Aria pipes in. "I'm happy, he's happy, what's the big deal?" 

"The big deal is it affects our production,"

Aria crosses her arms and takes a couple steps closer to Bryan. "If I went over there and bent over and said 'take me now' then that would affect our production. Our personal lives have nothing to do with this,"

I'll admit I'm horrified by what Aria is saying but also amused. Everyone else in the room, even Brian and Roger, are getting a kick out of the whole situation. 

"I don't want you in here when we are filming. It's distracting," Bryan threatens. 

Aria points a finger at him. "Keep in mind who you're dealing with because I could end your career right now," she fights back. "I've been working nonstop on production and choreographing their every moves while on set,"

Bryan and Aria stare at each other for what feels like forever but neither one of them say anything. 

"I think we'll wrap up today," Bryan finally breaks the silence, and then storms out.

"She's a feisty one," Joe comments when the hum of everyone talking picks up.

I look over at her. She walks back to Brian and Roger, who both high five her. I smile. 

"Yeah, but she's mine," I say. 

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