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I wrote this chapter three times and this is how it came out because I was soooo emotional today. I babysit 5 kids once a week and today got my emotions all over the place from lack of sleep and stress and after my shift I just got in my car and cried lmao



"We're going to be back together before you know it," Ben tells me. He was kind enough to drive me to the airport before I go to Japan for the press tour of Bohemian Rhapsody, and he goes to Italy to finish shooting for his movie. 

"I know..." I say, trailing off at the end. 

I'm being selfish. I know I am but quite frankly, I just don't care right now. I'm allowed to be upset my boyfriend is leaving for work. 

"Darling, it's okay," Ben says, sounding concerned. 

I'm emotional today. I don't know if it's my lady time, or simply just my emotions, but I'm so emotional right now I can't stand it. I feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. My lip quivers as I try to hold them back. I look out the window as a means to distract myself, but it doesn't work. 

I can feel Ben's eyes flicking over to me every so often as we continue to the airport. HE doesn't say anything, probably because he's afraid I'll break. 

When we finally pull in, my heart hurts. Ben drives over to where my little plane is stationed at the back of the airport. I see Joe and Gwil loading luggages into the plane. Rami and Lucy stand talking outside. I think the pilot and copilot are inside already. 

Ben pulls up close enough for them to notice us, but far away enough for us to have a moment without them intruding. He puts the car in park and we sit in silence, neither one of us moving. 

"I'm going to miss you," I say, barely a whisper. A tear falls fro my eye and down my cheek. 

Ben's hand comes over and wipes the tear away. I turn to face him, trying to take in all his details. I hate being emotional like this. I know I'm going to see him soon, but God this is awful. 

"I'm going to call every day," Ben tells me. "And I'll send you lots of pictures and I'll write and before you know it I'll be back," 

More tears seep out of my eyes. I broke the seal so now it's ten times harder to stop crying than it was before I started. 

"You don't have to do all that. I'm just having a day," I explain. I laugh bitterly. Ben knows I get like this occasionally. It happened during my pregnancy scare that one time. 

"Is anything else going on?" Ben asks me.

I sigh. "No," I tell him. I don't really know though. 

Ben takes one of my hands in his.

"I love you. You know that right?" he says. 

I smile weakly. "Yeah," I tell him. "I love you too," 

He leans in to kiss me, my face wet with tears. It's short and sweet. When we separate, I pull away from him and get out of the car to gather my belongings. Ben comes out a second later, helping me. 

"I got it," he says, taking my big bag. 

The two of us walk over to the plane. I know my face is red and splotchy from crying. I'm grateful that no one says anything though. They mainly acknowledge Ben, which I'm grateful for. 

"We're going to miss you mate," Gwil says to him. Ben gives one of the flight attendants my big luggage to take. 

"Yeah it won't be the same," Rami says. 

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