Part one

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Your name is Mia Poppy, you are 18 years old. You currently live in New York City.  You do a few modeling jobs here and there but you mainly focus on YouTube and school. You have been texting James, Emma, and the twins for a while now and couldn't wait to see each other in person. This story will be first person 👍
The bell rang for school to be dismissed. I was on spring break finally! It's my senior year of high school and I couldn't be more excited to graduate. Balancing school and YouTube is really hard since I post twice a week now, Tuesday and Friday. Tonight I was leaving for LA. I have been talking to James Emma and the twins for a while now but we never found a good time to all meet up in person. They all hang out all the time but since I live in New York it's hard. James was the first one that I met, we did a collab 2 months ago and a little while after he started the group chat saying that he thinks we all would really get along, and boy was he right. We texted day and night. As I was leaving school my phone buzzed

Sisters 💗
Sister James 💗 : Hi sisters! Mia how was school?
Emma💗: dude I still can't believe you are finishing school. You make me feel like such a quitter 😂😂
You: haha. I would drop out if I could trust me. My mom says I can't move away until I graduate. And school was boring as ever
Gray💗: anyways, we are so excited to see you Mia! When does your flight land?
You: around 9.
Gray💗: that's so long 😭 we will be waiting right outside your gate.
You: awe ik. I'm so excited I can't even explain to you. Coachella is going to be so much fun too. Does everyone have their outfits ready?
Ethan💗: Yeah, James was a doll and picked out me and grays outfits. Tbh I look hot in mine.
Emma💗: I still have no fucking clue what I'm wearing. Mia tomorrow we are going shopping.
You: ok thank god because I only have one outfit planned and it's bad.
Gray💗: I bet that's completely false. You look great in everything.

My face blushed reading his message. I sent a ily back and continued walking. Me and gray talk outside the group chat a lot. I feel comfortable talking to him about anything. I couldn't be more excited to meet him in person.
Once I got home I quickly changed into something comfy for the 6 hour flight.

 I took a mirror selfie on Snapchat and captioned it "See you layer NYC"

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I took a mirror selfie on Snapchat and captioned it "See you layer NYC". I said goodbye to my mom and headed to the airport. On the drive there I texted the sister group chat
You: Omw to the airport!
Ethan💗: wow this feels so surreal. We are actually going to see you for the first time. And not just like a picture of u. Like actually you
James💗: you sound crazy E but I couldn't be more excited
Gray💗: these next 6 hours better go by fast
Emma💗: holy crap I'm excited.
You: me too! Ok I gtg get on my plane. Bye guys <3

I headed into the airport, checked my bags in, went through security, and barely made my flight. Once I was on the plane I fell asleep so I would have a lot of energy when I landed.

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