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We dropped everyone off at the airport an hour ago and I have returned to my depressed state. I hate knowing that I won't see them for a long time and that I have to continue going to school while they hang out and enjoy their lives. Major fomo to be honest. I went to school today and everyone asked about Grayson. I kept the answer short with "yes we are dating". I started off being really nice and talking to people but after the 6th person asked I was over it. I sent the song over to my manager and she loved it. She thinks I should do one or two more singles and then an album as well and I'm kinda down for the idea. Since my first song did so well it's a smart move. Khalid and i's song has remained number one since it released. Still can't fathom that but shit that's crazy.

A month ish later...
Sisters 💗
Dolan #1: you leaving school now?
You: Yep, walking out now. Why?
Gray❤️: he's just curious.
You: curious George
I smiled down at my phone. I did it. Passes my finals and my graduation is this weekend. I walked out of my highschool and made my way to my car. I waved to people as I made my way to my car. Once I got to my car I reached into backpack to grab my keys and unlock it.
"GET IN BITCH!" Multiple voices that I could never forget yelled from behind me. I jumped and screamed turning around. In the car parked next to me had Emma and the twins. The windows were rolled down and there they were smiling widely.
"Oh my god!" I held my hands over my mouth in shock. Grayson opened the passenger door from inside and I hopped in. Immediately I hugged each one and kissed gray. Man have I miss that.
"What are you guys doing here?" Happy and shocked tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Your graduation is this weekend! You think we would miss it?" Ethan said grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. I laughed and smiled at all them.
"I fucking love you guys" i kissed Grayson again, disregarding that Emma and Ethan were sitting right there. He brushes my hair back and rested his forehead on mine. I snapped out of our moment and looked around again.
"No james?" I said kinda sad. Between work and life James hasn't hung out with any of us since they left New York. Even the amount he texts in the group chat went down and I'm starting to think he's drifting away. I know he's busy but I know for a fact he's on his phone from his Snapchat stories.
"No he said he had to film but to say congratulation." Grayson said kinda annoyed.
"Is everything ok with him?" I asked and they all shrugged.
"I don't really know. He is distancing himself from us and no one knows why." Emma said resting her head on Ethan's shoulder.
"Anyways lets have a good weekend!" Ethan shouted making all of us jump.
We went back home and chilled in my room for a bit. Noah was coming home today he had another shoot this week.
"Mi do you wanna get dinner tonight?" Grayson asked.
"I would love that." I said smiling and pecking his lips.
"Where we going?" Ethan asked while staring at his phone.
"Not with you dumb ass" Grayson replied throwing a pillow at ethan causing his phone to drop. Ethan stood up and started play fighting with Grayson. I moved away so I wouldn't get in the middle. I scooter over to Emma and we took a bunch of selfies in which we spammed our stories with.
"Mi wanna leave in like an hour an a half?" Grayson said getting up. We have been laying in my bed since we got home and it was 6 now.
"Yeah I'm gonna shower real quick." I said getting up as well. I took a quick shower and joined Grayson by the sinks where he was shaving.
"Can I do it?" I asked watching him shave.
"You want to shave my face?" He asked laughing.
"Yeah" I said shrugging my shoulders and laughed as well. He picked me up and sat me on the counter. He stood between my legs and handed me the razor.
"How about this, I get you ready and you get me ready" Grayson said as I shaved his cheek.
"Ooh sounds fun. Don't make me look bad though." I said giving him a look.
"Impossible." He said smirking.
I continued to shave his face and it was kinda fun and satisfying. Once I finished shaving him he sat on the counter and began my makeup. I don't wear a lot of makeup and he knows that so I trust him. Emma came in and admired what was happening
"Ok this is adorable. But neither of you have clothes on and I'm uncomfortable so I'm leaving." She said after taking a picture of us.
"We have towels" I said laughing
"Not enough coverage" she shouted back.
Grayson and I both finished getting ready. I picked him out this:

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