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I scrolled through twitter on our ride home and knew this was going to be a funny video. Once we all got back to James house we set up lights in the living room and sat on the ground in this order. Ethan, James, Emma, me, grayson. Once we were ready we started the video.
"Hey guys I'm back! And today I got some semi special guests. Please introduce yourselves." They all went down the line and said their names.
"Ok so today we are going to be doing one of the most lazy video ideas ever! A Q&A!" Everyone laughed.
"So instead of boring you with a 5 minute intro, how about we just get right into the questions." I pulled out my phone and read the first question. I had everyone screenshot ones they thought were funny so I didn't know some of them.
"Ok so Marla asks, will we be seeing a lot of this group, and if so what will be your group name." We all sat and thought about it.
"Well you probably will be seeing us together a lot because we are all best friends and Mia is staying in LA for a while. And for squad name I already have thought about this and I'm declaring us the sister squad." We all groaned.
"We are not the sister squad." Ethan said
"Yes sweetie we are" James snapped and we all laughed.
"So yeah, i guess" I laughed and passed the phone down to ethan so he could read the next question.
"What even is this one? Ok I'm saying this so we can stop the rumors. Are Mia and Ethan dating?" We all died laughing and Ethan looked at the camera angrily.
"Cmon guys we posted one picture together and your already up our asses." Ethan said joining in laughing. I started to catch my breath from laughing.
"Yeah no, me and Ethan are not dating. Sorry to disappoint."
We continued the video and when we were done I knew this was going to be a good one. We all packed our stuff and prepared to leave for our Air BMB. We all got back into Ethan's car and headed off. It was a 2 hour car ride so I decided to edit the video we just filmed. I ended up finishing it in an hour or so and was getting sleepy. I rested my head on Graysons shoulder and he put his arm around me. Emma layed her head on me so we were all cuddling. I quickly fell asleep in Grayson's arms. Soon enough everyone but Ethan and Grayson were asleep.
Graysons pov
I look at Mia and how beautiful she looked sleeping. I tucked her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with my thumb.
"Bro why are you looking at her like that?" Ethan asked looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"I don't know what your talking about." I looked back at him confused. Except I new exactly what he was talking about.
"Don't play dumb, I see right through your lies. You like her" I scoffed
"Yeah right." I added a slight laugh.
"I'm not gonna pretend I didn't see the tent in your pants when they were trying on clothes today."
"Shut up. You couldn't get your eyes off of Emma either though." He shook his head and smirked
"Yeah cause she's hot and I like her." He laughed to himself.
"Fine, I like Mia, a lot, every time I see her I just want to kiss her. I know she doesn't feel the same though. What if I try and make a move and she rejects me?"
"Gray, you can clearly tell she likes you. Look at her body language right now. And during the Q&A she sat so close to you. Cmon dude it's the little signs." Maybe Ethan was right. I smiled to myself. I'm gonna make a move. I want Mia to be mine. I want to be able to call her my girlfriend. This weekend is gonna be our weekend.

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