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Buying each other outfits video:
"Ok kitty girls so this one is for Mia's channel." We all nodded and sat down to film the intro. We were in the twins backyard cause it has a nice view.
"Hi guys! I'm back with your guys favorites," everyone did something stupid and I just shook my head and giggled.
"And today they are going to be turning my into a basic LA hoe." I said holding up the peace sign and doing the duck face.
"So how we are going to do this is first us four are gonna go out and each pick out a different outfit, and then we are gonna come back and I'm going to do Mia's makeup." James explained.
"Ya, and Mia is going to pick her favorite look and after that we are going to teach her the ways of the road." Ethan said holding two thumbs up. After we finished the Intro they all grabbed a vlogging camera and headed out the door. I had to stay home and keep myself occupied. I went to a cafe and just got some editing done. After about 2 1/2 hours they said they were on their way back so i headed home. Once they walked in they told me to close my eyes so I didn't see any of the brands.
"Ok kitty girl do you want to try on the outfits now or makeup now?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Outfits first, I want her to see what I got her!" Emma squealed. They refused to let me pay for any of this which I hated but deep down I'm not complaining. We took a seat around their couch and I sat in the middle.
"Ok ethan first!" James clapped his hand and Ethan made a nervous face.
"Ok so I know I'm not the most fashionable but this is so LA and I'm actually really proud of myself not gonna lie." He pulled out multiple designer brands and I glared at him.
"No Ethan why could you have gone to forever 21! Thank you so much, you really didn't have to spend so much." I held my heart cause I honestly was so grateful. I took the bags and went to go get changed. Ethan's outfit was:

(With a pink Gucci fanny pack and Gucci glasses)Before coming out to reveal the outfit I stuck my head around the corner

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(With a pink Gucci fanny pack and Gucci glasses)
Before coming out to reveal the outfit I stuck my head around the corner.
"Ok ethan, to be honest... you fucking killed it!"
"FUCK YEAH I DID LET ME SEE COME OUT!" Ethan stood up excitedly. I come around the corner and everyone's jaw dropped.
"sister Mia omg your body is insane. Ok daddy Ethan I see you, who knew you could pick out something so stylish." Ethan started patting his chest,
Idk guess he thinks he cool or some shit.
Grayson couldn't stop staring at my body.
"Hey Grayson try and make editing a little bit easier for me would ya?" I said walking over to him and kissing his cheek.
"I'm sorry but holy fuck Mia you gorgeous." Emma Awed and held her chest.
"Dude the fuck I want that."
Next up was Emma, she pulled out bags from places I know that she shops at regularly.
"Ok so, this isn't like badass biker shorts but it definitely is LA so don't hate on it." She handed me the bags and I walked into the other room to change. Emma's outfit was:

(Literally is a picture of Emma) I poke my head around the corner again

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(Literally is a picture of Emma)
I poke my head around the corner again.
"Emma you literally could have just went home and grabbed this exact outfit. This is so you and I love it." Emma starts dying laughing but the boys just look confused. I walked out and soon enough the boys are laughing as well.
"Sister Emma the point was to turn her into an LA girl not you." James said jokingly.
"Ok ok but hear me out, name one LA hoe that hasn't worn this outfit."
"Ok ok you got a point there. But mine is so much better." Grayson smirked.
Up next was Grayson and he handed me a lot of lux. Brands as well. "Noooo stop spoiling me!" I hugged him and went to go change. Grayson outfit was:

To be honest I am so shocked at how well they are doing

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To be honest I am so shocked at how well they are doing. Normally I dress so basic and so lazy but these outfits are really just everything. Once again I poke my head around the corner.
"Grayson your gonna have to keep it in your pants ok?" Everyone starts laughing but Grayson just smirks at me. I walk out and James screams.
" DADDIES WHERE DID YOU GET THIS FASHION SENSE FROM OH MY" Emma got on her knees and started bowing to me. Jeez they are dramatic as hell.
" it's really not hard to get an outfit for someone that looks like that, Mia can literally pull off anything." Ethan says and I blush.
"Ok dude literally back off before I kick your ass." Gray pushed Ethan off the couch and we all laugh.
"But I do have to agree with him. As always Mia you look amazing." He winks and then we move on to James outfit. He also has designer brands but at this point I'm not even gonna fight it. I'll pay them back somehow.
James outfit was:

I walk out and James stands up and starts clapping

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I walk out and James stands up and starts clapping.
"Oh kitty girl I outdid myself. Sure you guys did good but I fucking killed it." I laughed and gave a twirl.
Now we all sat down and I had to choose my favorite. I really didn't know though so this would be hard.
"Ugh I can't choose! I like each of them for all different reasons" I pouted.
"Well you have to choose Mia." Ethan said and crossed his arms.
"Ok ok... I think James outfit was the most different for me and LA." James squealed and hugged me.
"I'm sorry, I still love your guys outfits tho!" The other three sat there butthurt.
Up next was the makeup portion.

To be continued

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