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I woke up next to Grayson as I have this whole weekend. When I woke up my throat felt so dry and it hurt so bad. I immediately got up and went to the kitchen to grab water. When I got into the kitchen Emma was there chugging water as well.
"Coachella is actually gonna kill me, I think the dirt has dried up my throat." She said and then took another gulp of water. Her voice was so raspy and sounded painful  I grabbed her cup and chugged some.
"I really feel you." After I took another sip Ethan walked out. His eyes were barely open but he walked straight to the fridge.
"Water?" Emma asked. Ethan nodded and proceeded to pour a glass and chug it.
" I really don't understand, we all chugged water yesterday." He took another gulp.
" I feel dead, my whole body hurts" I sat on the counter and proceeded to chug more water. Let's just say I am more then ready for Coachella to be over. I just want to go back to LA.
Today we saw Eminem, Migos, and Cardi B. We honestly didn't do much because we felt so dead. We ended up leaving early so we could head home. Once we got back to the house we packed up and got in the car to drive back to LA.
"Dude I'm so excited to not be in the dessert" Ethan said tapping on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. Emma sat in front with him and I sat in the middle of James and Grayson. Gray ended up falling asleep almost immediately. I edited some photos and James went on a Snapchat rant. And hour into the ride I got bored so I decided to mess with gray. I stuck my finger in his ear and he shuffled a little bit. I then proceeded to stick my finger in his nose, and once again he didn't wake up. I then pinched his nose and he woke up gasping for air. I started to die laughing and he pretended to be angry but then laughed as well. He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me passionately.
"Ok nope that needs to stop." James said pulling me away. We all laughed and Grayson pouted.
Grayson looked out the window admiring the view of the ride, he rested his hand on my leg and I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. I rested my head on his shoulder and admired the view as well, but also looking at my amazing boyfriend.
"Guys I'm fucking starving. I didn't realize until right now." Emma said frantically looking at us.
"There's a del taco 10 minutes away." Emma made a moaning sound which made all of us burst into laughter.
"I'm down for some freshavacado" I said and everyone stopped laughing and looked at me in disappointment followed by wheezing laughter.
We pulled up to del taco and Emma raced inside like a 5 year old boy at Disney. James jumped onto my back and I caught him.
"Damn James you weigh like 2 pounds." I easily started walking into Del Taco with him on my back.
"What can I say, I'm a skinny legend." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see my face. Once we got inside we ordered and once again Ethan had to pick what I was getting because I've never been here.
"Ethan how do you always know what I like." I took another bite of my burrito and moaned at how good it was.
"It's not that hard, you like plain things." Ethan said and I looked in my burrito realizing it was only beans rice and chicken. I shrugged my shoulders and proceeded to eat. Everyone was silence due to eating our food like rabid animals.
Once we finished we got back into the car.
"Ok so we are gonna drop Emma off, then James." Ethan said. "Mia who are you staying with first?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Whoever doesn't mind keeping me."
"Stay at ours!" Grayson said excitedly squeezing my thigh. I giggled and nodded my head with a big grin on my face.
"Hey wait no I want Mia first!" Emma turned around a gave a death stare towards Grayson.
"Too bad I called her." Grayson stuck his tongue out and Emma gasped.
"ETHAN, GRAYSON STUCK HIS TONGE OUT AT ME!" Emma said in a toddler voice.
"I don't give a shit." Ethan said with a slight laugh at the end.
"Ugh fine. Then I get Mia next. We need girl time. I can't deal with the overpowering  testosterone." Ethan and Grayson just shook their heads and I noticed James was being awfully silent. I looked over at him and saw he was passed out. I smiled and took a picture and captioned it "LOML ❤️" and put it on my story. Ugh please let this week and a half last forever.

Authors note:
Sorry this is a little bit shorter then the rest, I really just wanted to get a chapter out because it's been a while. I'll try and post more!

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