Oneshot #8 Mistletoe

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This Christmas party was a blow, well, for me at least. The only people there that I knew where drunk off their asses and I didn't want to deal with that. I sat down on a couch near the Christmas tree. The soft golden lights were a nice change from the bright fluorescents. I found myself staring at them for a while.

Shit, I need the restroom, but where is it? All these people are drunk and won't understand. Guess I'll have to find it on my own then.

As I venture down the hallways looking for the bathroom, I find myself under a mistletoe. I laugh at it and continue searching for the bathroom. There's another Mistletoe just a few feet away, and another one, and another one, and another one. I follow the trail of Mistletoes completely forgetting about my need to pee. The Mistletoe trail leads to a room with a red door. I was about to turn around and walk somewhere else when the door opened. I saw a figure in the doorway, but I couldn't see them because of the dim lighting.

"Well, Karkles it seems we have been caught under the Mistletoe, together." He whispers close to my ear making me blush a bright cherry red. He chuckles and backs away a little then gets really close to my face, we were inches apart.

"You do know what that means, right?"

"O-F OF C-COURSE I-I FUCKI-MMMH." His soft lips connected with mine. After a little bit of shock, I closed my eyes and kissed back.

I intertwined my fingers behind Strider's neck. Dave's arms snaked around my waist hugging me close. I learned into him wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders. We stood there kissing, our lips moving in synch, I played with his hair. At one point he took his stupid ass sunglasses off.

I pulled away from him taking deep breaths. He chuckled, and my head snapped up at him.


"Just laughing at how great this turned out. I never expected you to return the kiss." He explained putting his hand's behinds his head.

I just nod my head and snuggled into him. I hadn't noticed until now, but we were in his bed. I could feel the smirk he had. He took his hands out from behind his head. Then he put them around my waist. When I looked up at him again, I was greeted with a pair of ruby red eyes. The moonlight reflected off them in such a beautiful and perfect way. I was speechless, I the only sound that came out of my mouth was a quiet gasp.

"I know they're freaky you don't have to say it."

"NO! NO NO NO NO NO! THEY ARE THE FARTHEST THING FROM FREAKY! THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL." He could obviously tell I was being serious, seeing as I wasn't yelling.

I was going to explain further why his eyes are so beautiful, but he cut me off with another kiss. It was a short-lived kiss, and I wanted to make it longer. Dave hugged me tightly. We stayed like that for a while, just laying in his bed cuddling.

But all good things come to an end. We decided to go back to where the party is going on. But not before Dave showed me where the bathroom was seeing as I still needed to use it. And of course, he put his dumbass glasses back on.


"Yeah KK you guy2 u2ed two never talk, now your all over each other and beeing all cuddly and 2hit." My face goes red. Of course, they'd interrogate as soon as Dave left.

"W-WELL UM... UH... WELL, YOU SEE... UM... YOU SEE ME AND... ME UH... DAVE WE MIGHT HAVE UMM... UH... KISSED... UNDER... A MISTLETOE." I didn't bother telling them about the eyes, that was a secret between Strider and me.

I could hear distance squeals from Nepeta and her repeatedly saying "My ship has sailed!!!" My face goes an even brighter shade of red as I hide my face in my hands. Both Sollux and Terezi are laughing their asses off.

"Good for you KK! I hone2tly wa2 waiting for thi2 two happen tho."

"Y43H S4M3 1 W4S W41T1NG FOR TH1S TO H4PP2N."

I nod my head and keep my head in my hands. I feel the couch sink next to me, I turn my head to look who sat down. Who else do I see but Dave? I smile up at him and lean back into him. My hands come down from my face, one on my lap one secretly holding Daves. It was nice to be able to do this; finally, I haven't had someone to cuddle in forever.

I guess this Christmas party wasn't a total blow.

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