Oneshot #9 Mafia AU New Years Party

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Dave and I thought it would be nice to celebrate new years with a new years party. Most of the people there were our friends and their spouses. Sollux, his husband Eridian, Rose, her wife Kanaya, and John. We hung out in the living room while we waited for everyone to arrive. Soon Nepeta, her wife Feferi, Dirk and Jake, Cronus and my brother Kankri, and Jade joined us.

We all sat in the living room drinking champagne and catching up with things. Dave mostly talked about latest missions, new mission all that mafia boss stuff. Most of my friends just spoke about the latest gossip around the city or whatever. I wasn't really paying attention to them.

Finally, Gamzee and Tavros, Roxy with Jane, Terezi, and Viriska, and Arnea along with Meena joined us. They joined us in the conversations everyone was having.

After a while, I went to get the food I made for the party. With Dave's help of course.

"Hey honey I'm going to go get the food," I whispered while detaching myself from him.

"Do you want any help with it Karkles?" I nodded my head as a response.

We both got up and headed in the kitchen together. I grabbed the lighter foods like brustle sprouts while Dave grabbed the more substantial things. We set down the food on our insanely long dining table. We really only use it for parties. I grabbed the plates, well I tried to. Dave giggled at my failed attempt at getting the plates. I just glared at him and continued my quest to get the plates. I felt someone grab my waist and hoist me up. Of course, it was Dave who else would it be? I grabbed them from the cabinet, and he set me down..... On the table. I glared at him a bit, but he just smirked. He went in for the kiss, but I stopped him.

"Not yet! We have to wait until 12 o'clock!" He sighed and grumbled in response.

I set all the plates down, and Dave put silver where next to them. I made the napkins somewhat fancy looking. We also put some more champagne bottles on the table.

"Dinners ready!" I called out.

Everyone sat with their spouses. Dave and I sat at the head. It's like the Weasley's table from Harry Potter but longer. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food which is good. It's nice when people enjoy the food you spent hours making.

When we were all full, we headed back to the living room to watch the ball drop. And to count down to midnight of course. Dave turned on the TV and flipped to the channel where the ball drop was happening. He sat down on the couch, and I sat right next to him. Well, I more of lay on him, I was cuddled against his side. From afar it would probably look I was sitting on him.

"TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all shouted along with the people in time square. Although I didn't get to say "happy new year" because Dave kissed me. I happily kissed back.

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