First Day

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Jughead just arrived at South Side High, and of course out of all people, they chose me to give him a "tour around the school."

"Ok so, around this corner we have the 'crazy' people. Basically they get high and talk about eating people and crazy shit like that." Toni said with a annoyed tone

"Hey um" Jughead nudged Toni "You okay? Cause it's looks like something eating know..driving you crazy."

"No it's just that, I really need to get out of this school-" Jughead cuts Toni off

Jughead stops at Toni's locker "What you mean!?" Jughead said with a shocked tone "This school look, well what can I say, it's um.."

"Just stop whatever you trying to say." Toni said with a little smirk. "What I'm saying is that I need to go to a school that I really like instead of this dump." Looking around the school and see Toni's friends eating lunch at the of corner of the cafeteria "And I need a good place to 'relax my mind' or whatever the kids say at NorthSide."

"Well I just left this school called Riverdale High, you could bring your gang and your so called friends over there if you want. I mean unless you cool with that." As Jughead nudged her arm with a smile

"Oh whatever I'll think about it" Toni also said with a smile "And Sweet Pea and Fangs are my friends thank you very much." Toni flipped her hair dramatically as she walked down the hall as she can hear Jughead laugh in the distance

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