The Surprise

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Waking up in this beautiful hotel is really a dream. Stars and moons on the celling. Toni is peacefully sleeping next to Cheryl. Toni jolted in her sleep, which caused Cheryl to wake up

"Woah babe is everything okay?" Cheryl ask

"I forgot something really important" Toni gets off the bed, "Like really important". Toni walks to the closet and put her clothes on

Cheryl sits up on the bed and looks at the clock, "But it's almost midnight. Is it really that important?"

"Trust you gonna love it" Toni said as he put her serpent jacket on, "I'm doing it with Veronica" Toni walks to the door "Sleep tight babe. I'll be back before you know it"

"Oka—" Toni shuts the door

It's 7:30 in the morning and toni still not back. Cheryl walking back and fourth in the room calling and texting Toni. But Toni isn't answering the phone. Then she remembered that Toni is with Veronica, so she called Veronica

"Omg Cheryl I miss-"

"Are you with Toni or heard anything from her!?"

"No I just been chilling with Betty and Archie. Why did something happen?"

Cheryl sighed "No she left around midnight and haven't came back since then and she picking up her calls. Starting to get worried"

"Well I'm pretty sure that— oh wait Archie was just talking to Toni about hanging out with Josie earlier. Maybe Toni is hanging out Josie"

"But do you know why?" Cheryl sits on the bed

"Singing lessons maybe, shit I don't know but I gotta go. Tell how everything goes out"

"Thanks Veronica I really appreciate it"

"No problem, talk to me later. Bye!"

"K bye!"

Cheryl sighed as she hung out the phone

"Why would Toni be hanging out with Josie for?" Cheryl thought to herself

"Okay Josie I really need your help"

Josie put her guitar down "You went from California to New York to just ask for help?"

"Yes cause it is important" Toni crossed her arms

"How important are talking?"

Toni uncrossed her arms "It's for Cheryl and she don't know what's going on"

"Oh shit it's that serious" Josie steps off the stage "Well okay what you need"

"Singing and guitar lessons"

"Ouu yeah that's what I'm talking about" Josie leads Toni to the rack of guitars
"Okay so we have electric guitar and—"

"Purple and black acoustic guitar please" Toni pointed out

"Well okay then" Josie picked up the guitar that Toni ask for "Here you go lovely"

Toni picks up the guitar with a huge smile on her face

Josie picks you the microphone, "Since that done, what the song you wanna sing?"

" 'Honey' by Kehlani"

Now Josie crosses her arms "You like Cheryl huh"

"Hahaha what ever"

"Let's get started shall we!"

It's now 8 pm and Cheryl is literally jumping on the bed cause of boredom. She then heard keys outside the door. Cheryl jumps off the bed and runs to the door, opening it, it's finally Toni.

"Geez someone—"

Toni got cut off by Cheryl's lips on Toni's. Kissing her very gently, letting it linger for a bit

"Where have you been! I've been calling and texting you!"

"Woah calm down" Toni smirked "I was hanging out with Josie back in New York-"
Toni caught cut off

"Without me?! I've been here all alone for hours all by myself" Cheryl started crying "And you wasn't answering me back" Cheryl crying through her words "I was really worried about you" Cheryl hugged Toni really tight

Toni hugged her back "Well I'm here now. With a little surprise"

Cheryl pulled back and looked over Toni's shoulder, "So that explains the guitar case on your back?" Cheryl pointed out

"Speaking of that" Toni grabs her girlfriend hand and lead her towards the bed "I've been practicing with Josie to make sure my vocals are right"

Cheryl smiled, "What you mea-"

Cheryl got cut off by the song of the acoustic guitar. The tune sounds oddly familiar to Cheryl

I countdown to the clock, saw you awake
Don't walk away, or would you wait for me?
I go out to the bar, fuck hangin' with the stars
Don't even have a car, but you would wait for me

Cheryl rocking back and fourth, enjoying the song

All, all, all, all the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you
Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you
My heartache would stay with you
Escape with you

Toni walks to Cheryl, singing and playing the last tune of the song. Cheryl putting her hands on tip of her heart

I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet
A little selfish, huh
I like my women like I like my money, green
A little jealous

"Are you calling me jealous-"

Oh, I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny
Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet
With a stone-cold neck, I'm so charming, oh, oh

Cheryl had a tear rolling down her face
Toni puts her guitar on the bed then grab her girlfriends face, looked right in her eyes and kept on singing

Isn't love all we need? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
To be the same prophesy? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti, is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Love, do-do-do do-do

Toni leaned in and kissed Cheryl on the lips while Cheryl is crying a little bit. Toni then gave her a hug and whispered "That was what I planning for you" Toni leaned back "So how was it?"

"Oh my god Toni I loved it!" Cheryl kissed her once more "And that song was actually good by the way and your vocals was great"

"All thanks to Josie and your welcome"

"I love you Toni"

When Cheryl realize what she said, she wanted to take back what she said right away

"I didn't mean to say that—you can ignore that if you want cause I was trying to—"

"It's okay babe..cause I actually love you too. I just didn't want to be the first one to say it"
Toni starts to laugh

Cheryl punch Toni's arm "You such a jerk"

Toni smirked "In a good way or a bad way?"


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