Careful Bombshell

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(Just something random, more romantic choni)

"Why not?"


"No, seriously! Why not?"

Cheryl walks over to Toni and hands her a stack of silk nightgowns. "You're not sleeping in those net-tights that you're wearing right now, no matter how..." her eyes get lost traveling over Toni's legs and Toni smirks "...good they make you look." She straightens up. "And you're certainly not sleeping on the floor on some plebeian cushioning cot. Have your pick of the gowns and take your place on the bed next to me."

"Careful, bombshell," Toni warns, smiling and picking a royal blue nightgown from the pile. "You're pampering me."

"Toni, I've waited my entire tumultuous life to spoil a girl rotten. The least you can do is accept," Cheryl reasons, turning to face her girlfriend with a pout.

Toni rolls her eyes. "I know, baby. Come 'ere." She pulls Cheryl in for a kiss, leaning backwards reflexively and losing her balance to fall back on the bed with a soft thud and an even softer giggle against Cheryl's lips.

"Eager, are we?" Cheryl taunts, raising an eyebrow. "First you barge in on my niece's piano lesson, claiming to have been 'in a fight with your uncle,' then you demand a space on my floor, now you fail to be discreet about wanting into my pants?" The redhead jokes, running her fingers across the silky material on Toni's chest.

"Mm, that's not how I remember it, Cher," Toni disagrees. "I walked in to catch up with you, said hi to Julie, wanted to keep my own clothes on, and you pushed me onto your bed."

Cheryl looks indignant, mouth wide. "Antoinette, you paint me as a scoundrel!"

Toni laughs. "I love how you talk like that, always. Like some upperclass Englishwoman who thinks everyone and their tea is beneath you."

Cheryl scoffs. "I may be upperclass, but I'm not British." She leans in and gives Toni a sloppy kiss. "Buy me Emma Watson and I'll learn the accent."

Toni runs her hands up Cheryl's sides, savoring how good she looks. "Mm, you WOULD like Emma Watson, now wouldn't you?"

Cheryl's breath hitches and she shivers, reacting to Toni's touch. "Would you quit talking about another woman while I'm literally straddling your lap?"

Toni shrugs, squinting and dropping her voice to a murmur. "You brought her up."

Cheryl purses her lips and lowers her head to Toni's ear. "Do you know how long it's been since we've been alone in this house?"

Toni jumps slightly and feels herself throbbing below at the feeling of Cheryl's lips against her earlobe and the sound of her voice in her ear.

"Since Polly left her camp in my guest room to give us some..." Cheryl bites Toni's bottom lip possessively, dragging it slowly downwards and releasing it with a pop. "...privacy?"

Ton gulps, at a loss for words. "F-five days, I think." Her mind goes fuzzy and her heartbeat races.

Cheryl moves downwards, gently undoing the buttons on Toni's borrowed silk nightgown and making a line of wet kisses down her stomach. Toni's eyes close immediately in pleasure and her head presses back hard into the pillow.

"Too long," Cheryl husks, grasping at the back of Toni's gown and pulling it out from under her. Her hands fly to Toni's warm breasts, massaging them with the tips of her fingers as Toni groans

"Cher," She says through gritted teeth. "Please—"

"Shh, my love," Cheryl cooes. "Be patient."

Toni's hands settle on Cheryl's waist and feel the identical silk covering her ass. "I can't help it. You are so hot right now.Oh please," Cheryl counters, reaching towards Toni's thin underwear to pull it aside. "I have the world's hottest girlfriend." Her fingers trace the wetness of Toni's folds.

Finally, Cheryl slithers down Toni's body and massages circles on her hot-to-the-touch thighs.With her other fingers, she starts to rub Toni's clit, slowly, back and forth.

Toni lets out an intense pant, a held-in breath she was not aware of. As Cheryl increases pressure on Toni's clit, circling it, Toni lets out a loud string of moans, intertwined with "Fuuuck, Cheryl" and guttural "oh"'s.

"My god, TT, your voice turns me on," Cheryl breathes heavily over Toni's midsection as she quickens her fingering.

"Babe, you can be selfish too," Toni coaxes,Toni moves her hands from Cheryl's hair to Cheryl's waist, dragging her so that she can slot her left leg to press against Toni's center, with Cheryl's own legs straddling Toni's left thigh.

Cheryl shudders as she begins to grind on Toni's thigh, her knee moving naturally against Toni's center, hands wrapped around each other to keep them tight.

Both girls groan uncontrollably, Cheryl's wet arousal running across Toni's bare thigh and Toni getting close to orgasm fast with Cheryl's hard knee pressing into her clit. "Babe, I'm gonna—" Toni starts.

"Wait." Cheryl removes her leg.

Toni's eyes fly open and her center begs for Cheryl's pressure to return. "What?"

Cheryl flips them over in one solid move and moves to slot Toni in between the redhead's own legs, their warm heats on top of each other. "Cum on top of me, Antoinette," she breathes, throbbing in every place imaginable. "I want it," she says, fingering Toni's clit from beneath her. "I want you."

"Antoinette," Cheryl moans, high-pitched, with her eyes screwed shut, sweat dripping down her pale stomach as she flexes her abdominal muscles over and over, upwards into Toni. "Antoinette!"

"God, you are so sexy, Cher," she admires the pillow princess below her. She bites back a smirk. The girl can't even last one session without letting her partner climb back to the top.

After not long, Toni feels herself on the edge of the precipice again

And then she's coming, with the lowest cry Cheryl has ever heard and it turns the bottom on immensely. Toni moves like an animal over Cheryl's body, rocking back and forth until she's gotten all the pleasure out of her orgasm.

Near the end she feels Cheryl almost there too and helps her on. "That's it, baby," Toni encourages her, almost breathless, waiting for the cord to snap in Cheryl's body to let all her tension loose. "Let go for me, Cher. Let go for your precious Antoinette," she teases.

Cheryl's eyes open and her insides snap, walls clenching over and over as she screams Toni's name. Her eyes roll back all the way into her head as she groans in pleasure

While she's calming down, Toni moves down to swipe her tongue at Cheryl's soaked center. Cheryl does everything she can not to clamp her thighs around Toni's head and make her stay in that position til the end of time.

"Ngh," Cheryl grunts in appreciation. "I taste good." She licks her own wetness off her lips gratefully.

"Brag," Toni teases her. "But I agree." She runs her tongue along Cheryl's teeth before pulling away. "You taste sensational."

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