Riverdale High

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Toni, Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs and the rest of the Serpents walk in Riverdale High School and as soon as we walk in, we see Veronica and Archie standing behind of a desk that have papers all over it with a cup of pencils and small creepy lamp

"Welcome to Riverdale High!" Veronica said with a smile "Here we have a list full of activities and classes for you to sign up for."

"Stand down Veronica!" Cheryl says with her cheerleading squad and Reggie marching down the steps

"There's the school spirit I remember." Jughead says behind Toni

Cheryl stands next to Veronica with her arms crossed, "Don't waste your on them Veronica. We don't need South Side scum all over our school."

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face!" Toni said walking towards her

"Happily queen of the buskers!"

Archie stand in between us "All right enough! Can we just start a new chapter? For all of us-"

Reggie cuts him off and say "Um Archie you don't speak for the Bulldogs red head" He takes two steps toward Sweet Pea and say, "Cause do you not remember the time that they was trying to beat your ass at there area?"

Sweet Pea pushes me out the way and walk towards Reggie and say, "Let's just finish what we started then!"

Jughead and Fangs holding back Sweet Pea with all of there force

Veronica steps between all of us and say, "Look I'm tired of all of the male toxicity in this hallway right now!"

"Look everyone go to class!" The principal said outside of his office "We don't have time for this right now."

Kevin and Josie leaning against their locker trying to hide their laughter

———————-1 hour later——————————

In biologically class with Fangs and Jughead and Toni really got to pee. She asked the teacher for a pass then walked out. Toni heard distant chatter in the girls bathroom so she stood near the door

*distant chatter*

"Have fun at your couples weekend! Kisses to all, bye now"

Toni walk in the bathroom and of course she see Cheryl, avoided eye contact

"Did you tell Veronica and Jughead that Archie and Betty kissed?" Toni washing her hands

Cheryl checking herself in the mirror, "So what"

Toni looking at Cheryl, "Did you at least have a reason?" Toni crossed her arms

Cheryl rolled her eyes and said, "Oh right you new here" She look towards Toni "Hi! My name is Cheryl Blossom aka Cheryl Bombshell, and I need no reasons. I just do whatever I want to do"

"I got another idea" Toni put her hand on Cheryl arm "Maybe you should tell me what going on cause obviously, you in a lot of pain."

They lock eyes

"GET YOU SAPPHIC SERPENT HANDS OF MY BODY!" She slaps Toni hand off her arm and stormed out the bathroom

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