Road Trip

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Waking up, having bruises on my neck and stomach. Walking to the bathroom, looking at the mirror and saw more on my leg. Smiling to myself as I walk back in the bedroom.

Toni laying back in the bed, smirking as I walked in. Having nothing on but bra and underwear

"The way you smiling at me, you must have enjoyed last night huh" Toni said with a grin

Cheryl was towards to the bed, playing in Toni's hair. "Of course I did hon" Cheryl now then rest her hand on Toni thigh.

"So I was thinking..maybe we can go on a trip somewhere" Toni said with a smirk

"You do realize that we have school right" Cheryl said while moving her to Toni's shoulder

"Yea but we not learning anything anyway...but.." Toni sits up on the bed, putting her whole attention on her beautiful girlfriend, putting both on her hands on Cheryl's legs, "We could also go to California. Get away"

Cheryl just smiling uncontrollably

"Okay" Toni look around, seeing that she have two suitcases packed, "Think I'm ready", rubbing her chin, looking around once more, "Yeah I'm ready...Cheryl!"

"Yes hon"

"Are you ready..woah" Toni look back and see Cheryl in a middle of five suitcases

"Is it too much?" Cheryl politely ask

"You know we staying there for like five days right?"

"Uh huh" Cheryl looks down at her luggage, "We can manage"

Toni walk towards Cheryl, putting both of her hands on Cheryl hips, "I'm gonna have so much fun with you" The two ladies beaming hard at each other
Going to the airport was crazy, been flying in a plane for a total of seven hours. Cheryl taking selfie's every hour.

After many hours on the plane, finding the A-list hotel. Finally found the hotel room, Toni opened the door for her beautiful girlfriend. Cheryl walk in in complete shock

"Hon you found this place?!" Cheryl looking around the room in complete shock

"With the help of Veronica? Yes I did. Just for you sweetie"

Cheryl walks towards me, wrapping her arms around my neck, "This is going to be the most awesome five days ever" Cheryl leans in giving me the most softest kiss in the world

"You damn right hon"

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