Where's my shirt bombshell?

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After the LONG hours of detention, Cheryl surprisingly be very bored without Toni. To keep her occupied, she would wear Toni's shirts. Yeah I wrote it, SHIRTS. So when Toni came home, she was looking for her shirt

It happened bit by bit. She noticed it over the course of the first few weeks after moving into Thistlehouse. Her clothes slowly started to disappear from her section of the wardrobe and make their way into her girlfriends.

First it was her favourite hoodie that she wore almost every evening to hang out around the house.

Then she lost her favourite sleep shirt. Her best flannel. Her leather pants. Even her vixens tee when missing from her wardrobe.

She'd catch her girlfriend snuggled up in her hoodie when she got home from work, reading in and armchair in the living room. Or cuddled up to her tee in bed when she came home especially late.

Most of the time she found it endearing. The fact that her girlfriend missed her enough to want something of hers close by until she could have the real thing was incredibly cute.

On nights like tonight however, when they were trying to go out, she found it frustrating.

"Babe have you seen my black shirt? I can't find it anywhere." She walks into the bedroom seeing her girlfriend sitting at her dresser doing her make up for their date.

"Which one T.T.? You wear rather a lot of black." She smirks at Toni in the mirror as the pink haired girl draws closer.

"The one you're wearing I think baby. Are you wearing my shirt?" She smiles down at the redhead whose face reddens slightly at the question. "That's what I wanted to wear tonight Cher. Can I have it back?"

"Can't you find something else T.T.? I'll ruin my hair if I take it off now and then you'll only complain I'm taking too long to get ready when I have to redo it." She continues with her makeup not looking at her girlfriend.

Toni leans down wrapping her arms around her girlfriends waist as she does, resting her head on Cheryls shoulder. "I really was set on wearing that one Bombshell."

"How come you've been taking my clothes anyways baby? We both know you have plenty of your own. My grey hoodie hasn't been mine since I moved in." She kisses her lightly on the neck before making eye contact through the mirror.

"I like having a little piece of you with me when you aren't here. Besides have you seen a comfortable piece of clothing in that wardrobe owned by me? Your hoodie is by far the most comfortable thing I've ever worn." She smiles at Toni in the mirror then turns her face to hers.

"I'll give it back if it bothers you that much T.T."

Toni tilts her head back slightly capturing her lips in a sweet kiss, "No need Bombshell, I like you in my clothes, its kinda sexy actually." She pulls her in again for another short kiss.

Cheryl pushes her back slightly turning fully around and pulling her back in again, this time for a much deeper kiss. Toni moves forward straddling her girlfriend on the stool.

Cheryl moves her hands to Toni's hips holding her tightly against her as her tongue is granted access to her sweet mouth.

Toni pushes her hands into Cheryls hair gripping the red strands tightly. She pulls on the strands causing a groan to fall from her girlfriend. She swallows the following moan caused by her light scratching of Cheryls head.

Toni pulls back slightly, breathing heavily. "I may have messed up your hair a little baby." She smiles down at Cheryl.

Cheryl pulls her back into a kiss, muttering "Yeah I don't care right now T.T."

Toni kisses her deeply for a few moments moving her hands down to the hem of the shirt the redhead is wearing. She slowly pulls the shirt up pulling back when she reaches Cheryl's chest to pull the shirt over her head completely.

She leans back in to kiss the girl beneath her. "Ruined that makeup a little too", she murmurs as fingers trace the smudged red around Cheryls lips.

She leans in for one more kiss before pulling back completely getting up and off of Cheryl. "Got my shirt back though." She winks at Cheryl as she walks back towards the bed pulling her own shirt over her head to change.

Cheryl sits, breathing heavily looking at her girlfriend incredulously. "You did not just make out with me for that shirt."

"It worked didn't it baby."

"Oh yeah but you so won't be needing that shirt anymore T.T." She stands and walks quickly over to Toni grabbing her face and pulling her into a deep kiss.

Toni breaks the kiss asking, "What about dinner Cher?" Cheryl's kisses move to her neck sucking dark bruises into the skin.

She stops her assault looking at Toni, "You really want me to stop so you can go to dinner T.T.? I can think of something you can eat right here" She smirks at the girl in front of her.

Toni looks at her kiss swollen lips and beautifully exposed chests, the red lacy bra she fins quickly making her decision for her. She pulls Cheryl into a kiss pushing her back onto the bed.

Oh yeah, Cheryl can steal her clothes anytime.

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