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(Okay this chapter is kinda based off the from 3x15 of riverdale cause that episode had me dying in many ways)

Cheryl and Toni finally at school after like what, three weeks of not being there. Even though there was a school gas leak so you can't blame them. Cheryl in her math class and Toni shares a class with Veronica, which is biology

"Alright class, for today assignment, you and your partner will have to make a food chain based on coral reefs from the ocean and why coral bleaching is so important for us and the fishes" the teacher sits down at her deck "You have to rest of class period to finish"

Veronica look towards me "I guess we partners now"

Toni didn't even hear her. Toni was too focused on a serious topic

"Uh earth to Toni" Veronica starts waving her hands in front of Toni's face

"Oh I'm sorry Veronica" Toni covers her face with her hands, oh something is definitely wrong

Veronica puts the pencil down "Is something bothering you? You seem really down this morning"

Toni puts her hands on the large desk "I um..have to say something really important" Toni looks at Veronica "But I need you to not to tell anyone. It's something personal"

"Okay. I'm listening"

"The other day Cheryl made a very nice gesture to let me move in with her in her house, buying new furniture and clothes. I really appreciate it, but it's like we moving to fast, in my opinion. I really don't want to talk to her about it but I really don't want to hurt her feelings"

"Well" Veronica took a moment "Cheryl loves you to the moon and back Toni, so she probably wouldn't be hurt if you tell her the truth"

"But have you see Cheryl? Every since we started, it's like I made her happier every since her brother died" Toni starts playing with her ring "I really don't want to her mad ever again because of me"

"Toni you really love her or at least willing to do anything for her, and want to make things right; you should talk to her" Veronica puts her hand on top of Toni's hand "Everything gonna be okay"

Toni looks at their hand placement, then looked at Veronica "I really appreciate that Veronica"

"I don't see nothing on your paper Topaz and Lodge" the crossed her arms while shaking her head

Toni texted Cheryl to meet up with her at the court yard during lunch. Really don't think Toni is ready to talk to Cheryl about what going on but let's see what happens

Toni sitting on the bench table, then she finally see her girlfriend

"Hey Tee Tee" Cheryl gave her girlfriend a peck on the lips "I missed you" Cheryl hold Toni's hands and starts rubbing her knuckles with the pad of her thumb

"I missed you too" Toni looks down at the ground and sighs deeply

"What bothering you babe?" Cheryl stops playing with her girlfriends hands

"I really don't want to talk about it but.." Toni looks up at Cheryl "But I think we moving too fast"

"What do you mean by that exactly?" Cheryl said in a really soft tone

"I don't wanna be stuck in that house, in your bedroom-"

Cheryl eyes got teary-eyed "Our bedroom"

"That's it, it doesn't feel like our bedroom, your decorations, your space"

"What it sounds like Toni that you regret moving in with me" Cheryl walks away from Toni, heading towards the door

Toni runs after Cheryl "No Cheryl stop!"

It took Cheryl a moment to stop, but she eventually stopped walking. She slowly turned around to face Toni, already having tears on her face

"Hey look at me" Toni wiping the tears on Cheryl's face "I never regret moving in with you. That was one of the most happiest days on my life so far" Toni pulled Cheryl a little closer to her

"So you not breaking up with me?" Cheryl wiping her own tears

"Not by a long shot babe" Toni said with a smile

Cheryl pulled Toni in for the tightest hug she ever received "I don't wanna lose you too Toni" Cheryl sobbing on Toni's shoulder "Can't lose you too"

"Aye look at me Cheryl" Toni pushed back a little to stare at her girlfriends eyes "You not gonna lose me okay, I don't care how cheesy that sounds but.." Toni grab her girlfriends hands "I'm willing to do anything for at this point"

Cheryl still processing what Toni said, heart warm and wild, never wanting to lose Toni ever again. All Cheryl can say is;

"Wanna get out of here?" She ask Toni

Toni laughed "You still know that we still in school right?"

"Just follow me" Cheryl grabs Toni hand and leaving the area that they are in

In the bathroom, Cheryl and Toni having a full make out session. Cheryl sitting on the on the sit, somehow she found a way to get comfortable. Toni standing in between her girlfriends legs, rubbing Cheryl's legs up and down. Cheryl's hands nice and warm inside of Toni's jean pockets on her butt. Damn nice and wild.

Toni moving her kisses down on Cheryl's neck, making marks where they are noticeable

"You know we gonna be late for class right" Cheryl saying in between her soft moans

Toni picks her head up, kissing Cheryl tenderly, "Last time I check, it was your idea to come in here, not me"

The bell rings, one period left till school is over

"Be a doll and help me off this thing please"

Toni grabbing Cheryl's hands, taking a step back for Cheryl to hop off the sink

Toni scanning her girlfriend neck with a very sly smirk "What you gonna do with those 'marks' on your neck"

"Well TeeTee, I'm not gonna hide them that for sure. I really don't wanna be late for class so, see you later?"

"Of course"

Cheryl gives Toni a lingering kiss on the lips
"Don't miss me okay" Cheryl says as she walks out the bathroom

"No promises"

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