You Welcome

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*Cheryl point of view*

After the rescue, Toni said it would be a good idea if I stayed at her trailer with her for the weekend. I was a little hesitant about it, but anything for me to not be in the same area with my mother.

"Sorry for the little mess" as she opened the door "Jughead been living here for two days so" she made a surprised look when she walked in

"What?" As I closed the door

"It's...cleaned, for once" Toni said "Well" she turned to face me, "My room is to the left, and the bathroom is right in front of the bedroom"

I walk to her and put my hands on her waist and pulled her close "Thank you. For every you did for me so far." Moved my arms so it's wrapped around her neck

"It's only the beginning right?" Toni said while her hands roam around my back. She peck my lips "You smell like dirt by the way"

"Oh wow I'm taking a shower" I started to laugh "I'm taking a shower" as I walked away

"Oh I almost forgot" Toni said "There's a surprise for you in the bedroom" she smirked

I ran in the room "AHHHH!!" I grab the little puppy "You got me a puppy!" The puppy started to lick my face all over

Toni standing at the door way "Yea, it's a little Thank you gift" Toni walks towards me "And I know how much you always wanted one"

I put the puppy on the bed and gave Toni a tight hug "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" also kissed her on the cheek

"Your very welcome" Toni pulls back "When you gonna take your shower?"

"Since you said something, I gonna take it know thank you very much" I left with a dramatic hair flip. Heard Toni laughing as I left the the room

Took a quick shower, got dressed in Toni pajamas, went to bed room but she's now where to be found. When to the kitchen, saw making dinners. That's right, I said dinners.
I wrap my arms around waist from behind

"Hello there beautiful" I rest my head on Toni shoulders

"I would say the same thing to you, but your more than beautiful" as Toni smirked

"So" I kissed her neck "Remember couple days ago I ask you are we a couple?" Making hickeys on her neck where its noticeable

Toni closed her eyes in response to what I'm doing "Hmm. So you have a answer to that question?" As she turned around to face me

"After thinking in the shower, everything that you have done for me, rescuing me. No one won't do that for me" look into Toni's eyes and on the verge of tears "So would you to me the honor" I grab both of her hands "And be my girlfriend?"

"I love too" Toni said with a huge smile

Out of pure joy I grab Toni's face and started kissing her. Didn't realize how strong Toni was till she picked me up and put me on the counter. The got more heated when my hands was in Toni's hair roughly. We heard voices outside of the door, but we decided to going with our make out section. Of course Jughead burst through the door

"In front of salad" he but his keys on the floor "Really dude"

Well that embarrassing

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