What's Love Like?

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School finally over, don't think Riverdale believes in buses so I assuming that the kids walk to school. Toni be home a little later then Cheryl cause of all the meetings and stuff for the serpents.

Cheryl laying in bed waiting for her girlfriend arrival. Cheryl looks at her nightstand, smiling when she saw a picture of her and her beloved brother Jason.
Picking up the picture smiling, rubbing the picture frame, wishing he'll come back.

"I really don't know how my grandfather found a guy like Sweet Pea cause honestly, nobody can control him at this point" Toni said as she barged in the room

Sitting on the bed next to Cheryl, seeing her girlfriend holding a picture of her and her brother

"Look how cute you were" Toni smiles "How long ago was that?" Toni asked

Cheryl smiling at the question "Beginning of junior year" A single tear rolling down Cheryl's face "He was always the golden boy. Everyone loved him, by family and friends. He can kill someone and yet I will still love him"

Toni wipe the tear off of her girlfriend face for her

"You would've loved him Toni. Just really wish you could've met him" Cheryl sniffling, holing back the tears

"Cheryl.."Toni put her hand on Cheryl bare leg "What was love like in your family?"

Cheryl still looking at the picture "It was all or nothing, be loved or get pure hate" Cheryl looks at Toni "JJ was my only light" Cheryl looks back at the picture "Till he died. Everything was dark again, but when I met you, the light came back" Cheryl looks at Toni seeing her smile

"You're also the light to my life Cheryl, but um since we on this topic" Toni started "My uncle hates the fact that I dated girls" Toni said boldly "The same age that my parents told that they were spilling up. Told them I really don't care about the situation; as I got older I realize that I wasn't going to see my mom as much."

"Did anything happen to your mom? This is the first time you've ever talked about her"

Toni smiles at Cheryl's question "Everything was great; till one day she just left Riverdale. No questions to why she done that, main reason why my grandfather made the serpents."

Toni resting her hand on Cheryl's arm

"The you came into the picture" Toni now moves her hand to Cheryl's cheek "Did you make it better? Yes. Are you the shine to my life? Y—"

Cheryl cutting her off by connecting her lips with Toni's. Toni lay Cheryl back against the pillows, without disconnecting

"You really into this huh?

Cheryl scanning her girlfriends body "You the one that started it"

"You the one wh—"

"Shhhh" Cheryl puts her finger on Toni's lips "Can I show you how much I love you then?"

Cheryl realizing what she said, face changing into a bright shade of red

Toni pulling back a little, comprehending what her girlfriend said. "You love me?"

Cheryl putting her hand on Toni toned stomach, "Of course I do, who wouldn't" Cheryl said as she rest her other hand on Toni cheek. "You are the most important person in my life. I'll do anything for you"

"Well when you put that way" Toni seductively lean in for a firm kiss

Gently pushing Cheryl back on the pillows once again

"Lets make this a night to remember then shall we"

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