Little Package

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*Cheryl point of view*

Toni drove me home. Saying supportive things to me. I was about to walk in the house, but I got a message from Toni.

Heyyy hon, sorry I couldn't wait a little longer to confront you to step up against your mom. But I did order something for you couple days ago, should come today😉

It's okay baby, you already did a lot for me already. And I'll waiting for that package. Talk to you later😘


Took a very deep breath, walked in the house and I said "Welcome home mother" As I rolled my eyes

"You know," mother turned around to face me "I forgot I even birthed you" Ms.Blossom crossed her arms, looking at me.

"I just came here to get my stuff" walked to the stairs "Only the things that's important to me"

Heard her sigh behind me "And you going since you leaving me?" Mother ask

I stop on the fourth step, looking back at her
"Don't worry about it"

Packed up my stuff, things that are important to me and kinda Toni. While I was finishing packing up, the doorbell rang, I rushed down the stairs, don't want mother to open the door.

"Package for Cheryl Blossom" mail man said

"Yes that's me" I sign the package, ran back in my room and toke my sweet time opening it. In shock when I opened it

"" I said to myself

It was a golden necklace of a big cherry. I dig deeper in the package and is this a... vibrator?
A small pocket size, purple and gold vibrator. I call Toni and tell her that I got her package.

"Yea sweetheart" Toni said

"Well I just got your package and I love it very much thank you" smile on my face

"Of course sweetie. Anything"

"So this umm..vibrator"

"Ah huh? Is that going to far or?" Toni asked

"No! No it's just, I never used one" me trying not to blush

"Well maybe one day we gonna try it then"

Oh wait I almost forgot "I have a little surprise for you when you get home"

"Ouuu. Well I'll be home in like..2 hours maybe. Have to go to a meeting with Jughead later" Toni sounded a little disappointed

"Well just know that it's gonna be okay and you will be happy when you get back" huge smile on my face right now

"Okay sweetie, see you soon"

Went to Toni's trailer, put my boxes in her bedroom. Cleaned all the rooms and the bathroom. Like this place was very dirty. I heard keys, so I ran to the living room.

"Woah" Toni looking around in pure shocked

I ran to her and gave her the tightest hug ever "Surprise honey!" Gave her a kiss on the cheek, grab her hand "Also got a little surprise"

"Lead the way" she said with a little smirk on her face

We went to the bedroom where there boxes everywhere

Toni crossed her arms "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Rolled my eyes "Not like that. What I trying to say is" I sighed as I walk to her "I want your approval on something"

"Uhuh? Toni said

"Is it okay if I move in with you?"

Seeing my girlfriend face light up

"I mean it okay if you saw no, I just wanted to surprise you and didn't know how you going to react and—"

Toni grab my face and place her lips on mine

"Of course you can move in" her hand rest on my shoulder "I would like it more if I moved on with you" we both started laughing

This gonna be fun

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