Little Shopping

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*Cheryl point of view*

Heard many voices in my dream, decided to wake up from the very good dream I had. Looking on the floor I see Betty and Veronica playing with my puppy while gossiping

"Oh looks who up" as Veronica playing with my puppy

"We wasn't trying to wake you or Toni up" Betty got up "But we was planning on leaving early anyway. That's why we fully dressed"

Veronica got up with the puppy in her hands "I told her that Josie was at Pop's. So she rushing me over there"

Veronica walks closer to the bed "Well be back in like around..." she looks at Betty "Two hours maybe" she gives me the puppy

I rub my puppy's back "Well be safe and tell Josie I said hi"

"Be right back!" As they left the room

I turn over to Toni, looked at the clock, and it's 11:37 in the morning. How she still asleep? I put my lovely puppy on the floor, as she runs to the other room

I lean towards Toni. She looks so peaceful while she sleeping. Put my hand in her shoulder, started to shack her gently

"Mhmhm" She grunted

"It's time to wake up" I whispered in her ear

Toni rubs her eyes roughly "What time is it?"

I look at the clock "Almost twelve o'clock"

She sits up the one bed, I lean back a little, laying on the bed, resting my head on my hand.

Toni looks around the room "Where Betty and Veronica?" Toni ask

"They went to Pop's so Veronica can talk Josie. Betty just there as a wing woman. They'll be back in couple of hours they said"

I put my hand on my girlfriends stomach "But I have a awesome idea"

"And what is the awesome idea?" Toni said with a little smirk

"We should go shopping"
Holding hands as we go to this place called "That's Chic". I wouldn't call it a girly type of store but, it kinda is

"Omg look!" I jump up and down in excitement and pure joy"

"Yes sweetie" Toni said next to me

"Look" I show her two rings and and a pair of rings that says "forever " and the necklace says "she's mine" on it

Toni giggles "This is very cute" she looks at me "Do you want it?"

"Yes please with a double cherry on top pretty please" made sure I make the most adorable face ever

"But there's no point of buying these for you if I already made one for both of us" Toni but the jewelry down

"What wait?"

"Follow me hon"
*Toni point of view*

We drive down to this jewelry price where I made a custom necklace and rings for me and Cheryl, but she doesn't know that yet

We walk to the register, ask for my special package

"Can I see it know?" Cheryl ask

"Your so impatient" said with a smirk "When we get ill give it to you"

We go home, put our stuff in the living room. Cheryl sit on the kitchen counter swinging her legs back and fourth

"Since you were being nice today" I grab the box "Here you go"

Cheryl grabs to box, when she opened the box, she covers her mouth as one tear fall down her face

The necklace said "Cheryl" with snake next to it, another one said "Toni" with a cherry next to it. The two rings have to words "mine forever"

I wipe the tear off her face with my thumb
"I know your birthday is like next month, but I really wanted to surprise you"

Cheryl puts the box next to the sink, jumped off the counter as she walk towards me and grab my face and kissed me very softly

"I'll take that as a thank you" I grab the box, pull out the necklace that have my name on it and put it around my girlfriends neck
"Now everyone know that you mine"

Cheryl did the same thing to me "Guess we really making this official"

"We sure are baby" have each other a huge hug

"WE HERE!" Betty and Veronica said at the exact same time

Great timing ladies....great

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