Going to be Okay

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*Toni point of view*

I sit down next to Cheryl in the trailer waiting for the food

"So Fangs, What you make for dinner?" as I sip my tea

"Well" Fangs scratched his head "I was trying to make vegan tacos but Jughead said he don't like tacos"

"I don't like the outer layer that is outside of the meat" Jughead sits in front of me

Cheryl rolled her eyes "It's called a taco shell dumb ass"

"So I decided to make arepas with crispy quinoa" Fangs said with a huge smile on his face

Sweet Pea go to Fangs "I'm very impressed" Sweet Pea gently punched Fangs shoulder "I'm not a fan of vegan food but this look great!"

Fangs and Jughead past out the food and we enjoyed our meal. It was a little cold in the middle, but we didn't say anything cause it was Fangs first time cooking a legit meal for us.

Fifth-teen minutes into the dinner, Jughead wanted to sleep over with Fangs and Sweet Pea to play this dumb game at their trailer. Which is right next door to our trailer. THAT IS CONNECTED TO OUR TRAILER.

Cheryl was already in my room when I walked in. Looked a little upset, I put my arm over her shoulder. Her head resting on my chest

"Should I even ask what's wrong." as I played with her hair

"Haven't talked to Veronica and Betty since the rescue, that was two weeks ago. Don't really care for Archie, they probably think I'm dead." A tear roll down her face

I look down at her "Are you crying?!"

"Haven't went back home in weeks...Daddy probably wondering were I am" Cheryl started crying even more "And Veronica...Cousin Betty." Shaking her head, crying even more

"Woah woah woah slow down Cher" I grab her face, looking at her in the eyes
"Everything is going to be fine okay?" I wipe the tears off her face with my thumb "No one thinks your dead. If you wanna go back home..go back. Your mom is still out of town. And I pretty sure the people at Riverdale High miss you. Including Betty and Veronica."

Cheryl giving me a tight hug. Her face in my neck "Thank you TT. For being there when I need you"

"Of course hon" I start to rub her back

Cheryl lean back "So how about we wash our face and brush our teeth?"

"Lead the way"

Washed our faces and brushed our teeth. Making silly faces in the mirror. Changed in our pajamas and went to bed. My arm over Cheryl waist, nice and warm.

"Night TT" she kissed my hand

"Night hon" kissed her neck multiple times

Cheryl giggled "Always you Toni"

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