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Cheryl and Toni took a cab to Cheryl's house. Leaving the cab, Toni asked Cheryl a question

"Oh so you made up with your mother?"

Toni look at her girlfriend "Of course not. She is the devil in my life. Me and father caught up the other day and we made a deal"

Toni raised a eyebrow "Uhuh?"

"Just come on" Cheryl grab Toni hand and walked in inside the house. When they walked in, the house was spotless. No furniture and was very clean

Toni looking around the room "Your parents moved or something?"

Cheryl laughed at Toni's question "No silly. My mom is always out of town, and me and dad made a agreement. Basically I can live her now" Cheryl steps in front of Toni "And you said earlier how you don't want live with a hotel basically filled with boys" Cheryl grab Toni's hands, putting them on her waist "So I was wondering..would you move in? With me?"

"You know you didn't have to this right?" Toni said

"But I wanted to. To be honest with you, sleeping in this huge house gives me the creeps, and I want to make new memories with you" Cheryl said softly

"Well when you put it in that way" Toni leans in and gives Cheryl a lingering kiss on the lips
"I like that very much" Toni looks around the huge space around her "Then I guess we have a lot of shopping to do"

After five whole hours of shopping for furniture and food and Cheryl spoiling Toni with new clothes, they were done with their shopping.

"Okay so we gonna need help for all of this" Toni said

Cheryl laughed "Yea I don't have time for me breaking a nail" 

"Only you babe" Toni also laughed "Only you"

After many moving of furniture, they finally puts things in the right place. Even the food was in the right places cause of Cheryl

Almost eight o'clock, Cheryl and Toni decided to go to bed early, it's been a really long day

Toni brushed he teeth and washed her face, laying in bed waiting for Cheryl. She finally walks in the room and having to say to Toni

Cheryl lay next to Toni "Babe" Cheryl said softly

Toni turned around to face Cheryl "Yes Cher?"

"I never felt this way about anyone before because of my hideous mother. I know this is random for me to say but.." Cheryl put her hand on Toni's cheek "You make feel special everyday. I wouldn't be here if you wasn't in my life, if it wasn't for you I'll probably still be at SOQM getting brain washed" Cheryl starts to rub Toni cheek with her thumb "You are the most important person in my life Tee Tee, and no one else. And I really meant that"

Toni started to get teary-eyed "I'll do anything for you Cheryl, well not everything but you know" Cheryl and Toni exchanging their laughter

"Well goodnight?" Cheryl asked

"Yes sleeping beauty"

Until tomorrow

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