New Beginning

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It's been two weeks since Toni had been crowned queen, also her girlfriend Cheryl. Toni came up with a wonderful idea

"Babe!" Toni shouted from the living room

Cheryl walks out the bedroom "Yes TT?"

Toni gets off the couch "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course TT what is it?" Cheryl ask

Toni put her hands on Cheryl shoulders "I need you to talk to your mother"

"Anything but that TT"

"It might sound desperate, but I need the money. I have a really good plan for me and the serpents" Toni look at her girlfriend deep in her eyes "I need about two million dollars for this plan to work. I need for you to talk to your mother or father"

Cheryl wanted to say no really badly. Anything that involves anything with her mother is an automatic no. But Cheryl saw how important this is to Toni. Anything for lovers right?

Cheryl standing in front of her mother and father house. Waiting for someone to open the door. Finally her father opens the door. Cheryl sigh in relief

"Oh honey it's so good to see you!" Her dad leans down to hug his daughter

"Good to see you too dad" Cheryl smiles

"Please come in" Her dad gestures her to walk in

Cheryl walks in and the place just looks off, different. Cheryl just have to ask

"Umm, where's mother? And why the place look different?"

Her dad close the door "Well mother is out of town and while she is gonna I decided to do a little cleaning around the house"

"Speaking of houses" Cheryl turns to face her dad "Have much money does mother have for this house and in the bank?"

Her father look really surprised at the question "Well mother was thinking about selling the house in couple of days. And about the bank, she probably have a quarter million cause of her job"

"Mother have a job" Cheryl crosses her arms and start to laugh "You can't be serious"

"Yeah I really don't want to talk about it" her dad rubbing his neck

"Well is it okay that I borrow fifth-teen million. It's really important"

Her father give her a really tight hug "Of course honey" he leans back "but I gonna send it to you through my card"

"Thanks dad I really like that"

"No problem" her father replies

"But this house needs to stay"

Cheryl having another idea forming
Five hours later, Cheryl returns with the card, and really huge news

"I'm back and more alive Toni!"

"I thought you was already alive!" Toni shouted from the other room

Cheryl walks in the bedroom "You gonna be very proud of me"

"I'm always proud of you babe"

Cheryl pulls out the card with a huge smile on her face

Toni smirked "Is that what I think it is"

Cheryl sits on the bed "It sure is" also gave Toni the card. The card is black and gold with Cheryl's dad name on it

Cheryl rubbing Toni leg "So are you gonna tell me what the plan is?"

"I'm having a meeting in twenty minutes" Toni have her girlfriend a lingering kiss "Don't be late" as Toni's voice deepened

"I gathered you all today for a important meeting that will change our lives" Toni walks around the stage "I made a very important decision without my queen knowing. Yet she still help me making sure this happens"

The serpents cheers

Toni stands on the middle of the stage "So today, I don't want y'all to suffer"

"What you mean leader?" Fangs ask

"Letting y'all sleep her, when it rains, snow or even when it's hot outside. I don't wanna see or hear y'all suffer during that" Toni look at Cheryl, making her smile "So starting today, I bought a hotel. For us to live in, permanently"

"Wait are you serious?! That's really awesome" Sweet Pea said

"So pack your bags everyone. Have fun at the Mandarin Oriental, y'all have a option to sleep with a buddy or alone"

"I called Sweet Pea!" Fangs yells out

The serpents running to their tents, packing up everything. Next thing you know that trailer park is empty

"Wow babe, you really out done your self huh"

"Haha well I really don't wanna live at the hotel with the boy and most of the girls"

"Well.." Cheryl wraps her arms around Toni's waist "I have one more surprise for you"

Toni raised her eyebrow

This should be fun...

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