Wow Toni

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Back in school and of course, Toni gets back in trouble

"Wow Toni, detention? Again?" Cheryl folds her arms across her chest as she leans against the locker next to Toni's. She raises one perfectly plucked brow at her girlfriend as she questions her. "Whatever was it for this time?"

"Come on babe, you know that the teachers here hate anyone with a serpent jacket. I can sneeze and get detention here." She shoves her books into her locker before slamming it shut and leaning against it, facing Cheryl.

"Well did you sneeze in class? He didn't give you detention simply for existing so what did you do?" Cheryl presses.

Toni puts a hand to her chest in mock exasperation and gasps lightly, "Cher, I can't believe you'd assume I'm at fault here. How could you baby? I thought you had my back." She continues her show with wiping her eyes from imaginary tears.

Cheryl rolls her eyes at the girls dramatics. "Toni, joking around isn't going to stop me from finding out what happened."

"Oh really now?" Toni leans closer to Cheryl pushing her lightly against the lockers and leaning in close to her ear "You gonna punish me bombshell?" She punctuates her question with a light nip on Cheryl's ear.

Cheryl bites her lip suppressing a moan at the action. She moves her arms up and around Toni's neck, her hands playing in pink strands.

Toni pulls back slightly keep her face close to Cheryls.

"Only if you've done something wrong ma cherie." She smirks at Toni.

"I thought you like a bad girl baby? Isn't that why you're dating a serpent? Have my roguish charms worn off already?" She winks at Cheryl, quickly nipping her lip pulling back with a grin.

Cheryl chuckles lightly, "I used that phrase one time T.T. are you never going to let me forget it?"

Toni shakes her head, "Never, ever baby." She leans in drawing Cheryl into a deep kiss. She runs her tongue over Cheryl's bottom lip seeking entrance.

Cheryl pulls back with a light pop. "Not gonna happen honey, not until you tell me why you have detention."

Toni pouts at her, "You'd really take my kisses away?"

Cheryl smiles and nods, "Until you're honest with me absolutely."

Toni lets out a breath and looks down, "I may have, kind of, flippedatable" she rushes out.

Cheryl puts her fingers under Toni's chin lifting her head to look her in the eye. "You did what?"

Toni squeezes Cheryl's waist slightly where her hands rest, "I flipped a table in class. But, it was all because of Sweet Pea I swear it was his fault and I made a killing on it so really its worth it."

"Firstly, why would you flip a table at any time T.T. let alone in the middle of class? And how can you possibly blame Sweet Pea for this?"

"Well he was mouthing off and saying that I'm not as badass as I used to be and I'm on a tight leash and stuff cus I'm dating the Queen Bee of the school. So obviously I can't pull any pranks or goof off like I used to and stuff and it got to me and I kinda asked him how much he'd pay me to flip the table to prove I'm still a badass." She rants all in one breath.

"So you essentially dared yourself to flip a table to prove to yourself that you're a, and I quote 'badass'?" She asks incredulously.

"Ummm... Kind of yeah. But on the plus side I did make fifty bucks so dinner on me baby." She gives a coy smile knowing she's pushing her luck right now.

Cheryl narrows her eyes at the girl in front of her. "I can't believe you sometimes T.T. You're an idiot."

"Yeah but I'm your idiot right?" Toni says as she shrugs one shoulder giving Cheryl her best puppy dog eyes.

Cheryl rolls her eyes again, leans forward and kisses Toni soundly on the lips. "Yes T.T. you absolutely are. You are also in so much trouble when you get home." She leans in for one more deep kiss before pulling away, biting Toni's bottom lip as she does.

She backs up starting to walk away and says over her shoulder, "Enjoy detention Cha Cha." She turns back to Toni walking backwards for a few steps, "Oh, and I want Chinese for dinner." She winks at her girl and turns around sauntering away.

Toni chuckles and turns making her way to detention

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