Snowed in

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Cheryl woke to the sound of a squeal and small feet thrumming on mahogany floors. With a huff she opened her eyes to see her girlfriend jumping up and down at the sight beyond the window.

Glancing at a very annoyed-to-be-awake Cheryl, Toni parted the curtains, flooding the room with blinding white light.

"Cher look! It snowed"

"Jesus Toni, a little warning next time" Cheryl hissed, squinting harshly at the sudden exposure.

"Sorry babe, but look! It so prettyyy" Toni sounded like a child on Christmas morning.

"My god TT. it's like you've never seen snow before, it literally falls like every year, you know?"

"hmmm someone's grumpy" Toni teased, walking over to the redhead.

"it almost like someone woke me at 6.30 in the morning to tell me there's snow outside, as if I haven't seen enough of it throughout the last seventeen years of my life" Cheryl shot back with a sarcastic smile.

"Ouch babe, way to shoot a girl down" Toni feigned, hand on her heart.

Cheryl rolled her eyes as she watched Toni return her gaze to the window. Heaving herself out from under Egyptian cotton sheets, she waltzed over to her girlfriend, snaking her arms around Toni's waist, perching her chin upon her shoulder. She pressed her lips to the girl's neck, Toni leaned back into the embrace with a hum. Finally looking outside, Cheryl's eyes widened.

"Babe, did you conveniently forget to mentioned we're snowed in?!"
"Just because there is a six-foot snow drift blocking the door to this house does not mean I have to agree to baking"

"Come on Cher, it's fun! Besides what else are we meant to do, we're literally stuck here."

"ugh fine TT. because I love you, but if you so much as touch me with any type of baked-goods ingredient I'm leaving you." The red head said with a glare.

Toni raised her hands in surrender; "okay okay got it I got it."

Cheryl would never admit that she was actually enjoying baking these cupcakes, no. Never. But watching the love of her life with flour on her nose and her tongue between her teeth in concentration was enough to make her swoon. Enough to make her agree to baking every single day for the rest of her god damn life if Toni asked.

She was snapped out of her loved fuelled daze when she felt a finger trace her side.

"whatcha thinkin" about?' Toni grinned.

"You" Cheryl replied with literal heart eyes.

Toni's smile grew even wider.

God her smile.

The serpent leaned up and kissed her deeply.

"I love you"

Cheryl was about to reply when she felt flour rain down on her from above her head, a very guilty looking serpent staring back at her.

"Antoinette Topaz you are so going to get it"

Toni let out a squeal and darted out of the room, the redhead tailing her with mock anger.
The pink-haired girl came sliding into the living room, meeting a dead-end, she turned only to be met with a smirking Cheryl.

"Ha, no escaping me now Topaz"

"Hey! No fair I've only got little legs" the smaller girl pouted.

The pair circled the sofa, each waiting for the other to make a move, suddenly Toni made a break for it, but was tackled to the sofa by a giggling Cheryl. The redhead attacked the shorter girl with kisses, peppering them all over her face while the pink-haired girl burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"ahh stop it tickles!" Toni laughed

"That's what you get for covering me in flour" Cheryl huffed, looking down at the girl pinned beneath her.

"in that case I'll be doing it more often" Toni smirked

"you're ridiculous" she lent down to meet Toni's pink lips, smiling into the kiss.

Toni returned it happily, their mouths moving together in perfect sync. Toni's hands moved under the redhead's shirt, tracing smooth defined muscles. Cheryl moaned, moving her lips to Toni's neck, sucking purple marks on her pulse point. Toni's hand bunched in Cheryl's shirt as a knee slipped in between her legs, she gasped as the vixen applied more pressure. Slender fingers reached for the waistband of her-

The redhead abruptly halted her movements, "shit Toni do you smell burning?"

Her eyes widened, "THE CUPCAKES" she shrieked, scrambling to get up and prevent yet another house from burning down.

"if I knew what the fucking cupcakes would be interrupting I would never have suggested we bake them in the first place" she huffed to herself, reluctantly getting up to follow the redhead, feeling a familiar heat left unsatisfied.
"shall I make some popcorn cher?"

"I don't intend on letting you back into the kitchen for a while TT. after what happened earlier. This is the only house I have left"

"well it's not my fault you're incredibly distracting, babe. And you were the one to kis-"

"ah ah ah TT. don't you dare blame me, you were the one to suggest baking you have to own your decisions"

Toni rolled her eyes, "fineee I'll pick a movie, what genre?"


"sure you can handle it, babe?" Toni retorted.

Cheryl scoffed, "I've literally walked through hell and survived, I think I'll be just fine" she replied sweetly, walking off to make snacks.

As it happens, Toni was the one who couldn't handle it. As Cheryl quickly realised every time she felt her girlfriend stiffen against her side. She kept quiet, not wanting to damage any pride, until one particular jump that sent the popcorn flying.

"what? My big bad gang member is scared of a clown" Cheryl teased, poking Toni's side.

"pfft, me? Noooooo, I'm a badass Cher."

"So it wasn't you who got totally spooked by that entirely predictable jump scare and sent the popcorn flying half way across the room then? No?"

"okay fine! I may be a little scared, but that fucking clown is creepy. How can you not find it creepy?!"

"you're adorable"

Toni huffed, "I am nOt adorable"

"c'mere" Cheryl said opening her arms once more. Toni accepted the invitation. Snuggling up to the taller girl, laying her head on her chest as they continued to watch the movie.

"I love being snowed in, it means more snuggles" Toni whispered, gaining a kiss on her temple in response.

As the closing credits rolled down, Cheryl felt lips pressed to her neck. She sighed in pleasure, tilting her head back to give the pink-haired girl more access to her pale skin.

Cheryl moved to straddle her girlfriend, leaning in and connecting their lips as mouths moved together with passion.

Cheryl kissed along Toni's jaw, grinding her hips down in desperation. Bronze fingers gripped the hem of the redhead's shirt, lifting it over her head. Copper hair cascaded down over alabaster skin as Cheryl looked at Toni with lust filled eyes and swollen lips.

God. Toni was sure this would never get old, sure that she would never not have her breath taken away by the sight of her. She was perfect.

She crashed their lips together once more, pressing their bodies ever closer. Cheryl reached for Toni's shirt tearing it off with vigour.

"no god damn cupcakes to interrupt this time" Toni gasped out in between kisses.

"it was your idea to bake TT." Cheryl replied breathlessly into the other girl's ear.

"never again" she moaned as Cheryl lowered her down on to the bed.

It's safe to say that both girls were in agreement as to what activity was preferable when snowed in.

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