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Cheryl was forced to push down her feelings for woman so long when she was little, nobody would come to her birthday parties so Jason put their parties together, knowing that no one would come to her own separate party. Father becoming a murderer for killing his own son.
Cheryl being traumatized, remember all those harsh memories. Cheryl never really talked about it. Only bits and pieces to Toni.

Cheryl walking in the house, teaching the vixens new flips and tricks for the prep rally.

Closing and locking the door behind her, Cheryl putting her keys on the table next to the door

"Baby! Is that you" Toni said, poking her head out of the kitchen

"It sure is baby!" Cheryl walking towards to the kitchen, seeing Toni making a sandwich, "You know we have tons of food in the fridge and in those cabinets". Cheryl said as she rest her body against the wall

Toni putting the cheese on the sandwich "Yeah I know but.." Toni putting the butter knife down, hesitate to finish her sentence, "M- my mom always be making sandwiches for me before I go to school" Toni smiles from going back through the memory. Toni picking the butter knife back up, spreading the mayonnaise on the bread,"It's always good to go back to your childhood you know?"

Cheryl leaning off the wall, "Yeah a-about" Cheryl covering her hands with her sleeves, "Speaking of childhoods.."

Toni stopped putting the mayonnaise on her sandwich, giving Cheryl her whole individual attention

"Okay I'm just gonna say it" Cheryl taking in a deep breath, "Do you know why I'm so clingy to you?"

Toni walking to Cheryl, resting her hands on Cheryl's shoulders, "Cause you love and adore me very much" Toni batting her eyelashes

"That too childhood was literally..abusive" Cheryl looking into Toni's eyes, watching her expression change "People hated me, I recently just found out that Jason and Polly was about to get married and yet Jason didn't tell me."

Toni lowering her hands to Cheryl's wrist, "How did you know they was supposed to get married?"

"It's not even about that, it's just..Jason tells me everything..and I tell him everything.." Cheryl holding back the tears, choking on her own words, "When I told him everything, my dad him with no reason"

"Baby..." Toni wiping of Cheryl's tears while she speak, "Do you think everything is your fault? Cause it's not..."

Cheryl taking Toni's hands of her face "It's just..when I get close to someone or FEEL like I'm close to them I just cling myself to them.." Cheryl sighing as she walks to the couch, covering her face with the palms of her hands

"You know.." Toni walking to the couch, taking her time, "Everything spreads pretty quickly here in Riverdale" Toni now sitting on the couch next to Cheryl, "So when you sent that heart to Josie over a year ago" Toni chuckles a little bit, "The word spread pretty quickly about that"

Cheryl turns to Toni, "See that's a perfect example. I was really close to Josie, till my mother took it away from me....Toni?"

Toni grabs Cheryl's hand, rubbing her knuckles with the pad of her thumb

"Please d-don't even leave me" Cheryl on the edge of crying

"Woah why would you ever think I'll leave you!?"

"Have you not heard what I sai-"

"Yeah well that was the past. You have me now, knowing that I love you to the fucking moon and back Cheryl Blossom. I. Will. Never. Lose. You. Cheryl. You can promise me on that"

Cheryl couldn't help but smile through that, clearly knowing that someone truly loves her, "Can I get a hug please" Cheryl ask with a huge smile on her face

Toni spreading out her arms out "Of course you can baby"  Cheryl immediately sinks into Toni arms, letting out a deep sigh

"You smell really good by the way" Cheryl said, sinking in more into Toni's body

"Oh thanks I used your perfume"

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