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In case you skipped my warning because ya'll are disrespectful af (nah jk i do too), my account was deleted *cries* and i am simply reposting this cringey 2014 lashton fic. Thank you @nora_is_a_penguin for saving the fic and sending it to me! You're a life saver. 


[Ashton's POV]

Everyone was wearing suits and dresses, gathering around and talking as if they actually liked each other, when in reality, they were trying to get the dirt on other people, so they would look better in others eyes.

My mum laughed obnoxiously loud at something his lady said, a glass in her hands and chuckling quietly, saying words no one really cares about. I sighed, taking my salad fork and eating quietly.

Its horrible, being surrounded by adults and not having a single person to talk to. I was an only child and no one my mum speaks to has kids. She's the only one that did, but apparently I was a mistake and I can tell she doesn't really want me.

The only reason my mum kept me instead of adopting is so that she didn't look like a bad person in the media. My dad didn't want me either, he's the owner of this record company and having a kid is 'too much responsibility'.

Yet, even though they hate me and never wanted anything to do with me, I feel like somewhere inside they love me. At least a little bit. They buy me tons of stuff and at least remember my birthday.

"Ashton, would you stop scraping the fork on the plate, it's terribly annoying," My mum scolded, then chuckled as she talked to her friend again.

I pressed my lips in a line and sat my fork down. "Pardon me, I'm going to go to my room, may I be excused?" I asked my mum.

"No, you have to stay down here," She told me with a stern look.

I nodded reluctantly, and walked around the room. There were so many people and I doubt my parents knew half of them. Is it even possible to know every single person's name? Because if so, they have a great memory. And the fact that we just moved here made it even stranger that she already knew these people.

I was so bored. Every day of my life was actually boring, and I always wanted to do something fun, but there's nothing to do. I headed to the bathroom so I could escape these people and shut the door, leaning against it.

As I looked in the mirror, I sighed at my appearance. My wavy hair was combed back and neatly brushed and I was wearing black slacks, a gray shirt and a suit over top of it. My mum picked it out, which sounds lame, but is helpful.

After washing my face, I noticed the small window and thought about it for a moment. Maybe I should do something exciting for once. I'm not having fun here, and I haven't seen the town, even though I lived here for a week.

As I heard my mum starting a speech, I climbed on the closed toilet seat and pushed the window open. We were on the first floor, but there was still a chance of getting hurt. Shrugging, I squeezed through and groaned when I fell on the ground, thankful there wasn't anything there.

It was dark out and when I stood up, looking around, I noticed the gate and walked over, opening it. We lived in a rich neighborhood, and every house looked like a completely different one, but with a pool and massive yards they never use.

I walked down the street, the quietness seeming peaceful and wind blowing against me. It was nice going outside. I'm home-schooled and never leave the house, aside from when we moved.

And, when I got farther, I noticed a big change in the houses. Instead of them being three stories and having neat lawns, they were 2 stories with trees in the front lawn and vans in the drive way.

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