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Dedication: to everyone, because I'm mean and I feel bad, but this was planned since the beginning and I still love you guys, even if you wanna murder me <3

Warning: It's not the best idea to listen to Ed Sheeran/Christina Perri/ Avril Lavigne while reading this, but if you want to get in the mood then listen to All of our Stars & Autumn leaves (Ed), obviously A Thousand Years & Jar of Hearts (christina) and Goodbye & Remember When (Avril). Best songs for this.


Ashton was broken beyond repair.

It was getting too much for him, only three days without Luke and he wasn't eating, talking and yeah, he was alive, but only physically. Mentally, he was already dead and he couldn't handle another day without Luke.

The days without him felt like years, he knew if he kept trying to go on without his boyfriend (and yes, he will still call him that because there's nothing keeping him from staying with Luke, not even death) then one day he'll forget about him. Ashton didn't want that, he always wants to remember Luke.

And that's why he snuck out for the last time ever, not even bothering to say goodbye to anyone and went to the roof, a bag on his back and jacket worn like always, he never took it off, not even showering cause what's the point?

On the roof, his heart clenched when seeing the blanket, helmet and bag Luke put up three days ago, right before he died. Ashton felt a lump forming in his throat as he moved to the edge of the roof, opening his bag and sat the picture of him and Luke on the end of the

roof, the one he printed out from when they took selfies. He smiled weakly, the picture was Luke kissing his cheek, a big grin and blush on Ashton's face.

He misses Luke, more than anyone could imagine.

Ashton then took out candles, sitting them by the photo and took a lighter that belonged to Luke, lighting them and sighed sadly when the lighter died afterwards, as if it was a sign. He took out the CD, drumsticks, his mask from the party and the bag of skittles Luke left for him, laying them out and eyes watering as memories flooded like a wave of emotions he didn't want to feel.

"I miss you," Ashton whispered croaky, staring at the picture of them and tightened the jacket around his body, smelling the scent of Luke's cologne that was fading more and more, just like the boy himself.

He looked up, blinking back the tears and continued speaking as if Luke was there,"I really miss you, Lukey. I love you too. I wish you were here, you always held me when I was sad and now you cannot. What am I suppose to do without you here? It's so hard to be happy when the only person who made you smile is gone."

"I miss your laugh, your smile, and your way of making everything seem better than what it was, how you looked out the bright side of life and h-how you brought out the true me. You didn't care that I was different, you encouraged it," Ashton spoke with a small smile, wiping his teary eyes.

"You once told me; You can't live in fear forever, cause in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. You even had a tattoo of it. You're the one who showed me how to live and now that you're gone I don't have any reason to go on," Ashton sniffled a bit, a soft sob leaving and there was a strange breeze that caused him to shiver slightly.

It was so drastic, dramatic and people wouldn't understand, but he wasn't happy. Before Luke showed up, he was miserable and ever since Luke walked into his life, Ashton was happier than ever, even if his parents hated him. Luke made it worth it.

All he wanted to do was runaway with Luke, but the universe didn't want that. They were starcrossed lovers. To them, they were meant to be together, but everyone else didn't want them to be and fate showed them that no matter what, they wouldn't work out. And if Luke had to die to show that, Ashton had to follow and show them wrong.

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