Chapter 17

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[Ashton's POV]

The first words shouted at me while I walked inside my home was,"Ashton, where wer- what the hell is in your ear?"

I hid a smirk, shutting the door behind me and ignored them, walking upstairs. However, my father grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me back down, glaring at me and I winced at the tightness he had on my arm.

My mother scowled at me, eyes full of dissapointment and shame like usual. She grabbed my ear, looking at the piercing with shame and sneered,"This piece of jewlery is far too grown for you and only sluts where them! I want it out."

"No, I like it. It is my body and you have no say in what I do with it," I retorted, flinching when she pinched my ear slightly. It was already sore and now it's hurting more. I glared at her,"Stop it, that hurts."

She growled, but did as I said and asked snappily,"How did you get it without permission from us? You are 17 years old, it is illegal without parents consent."

I looked down, not wanting to admit I had a fake I.D. Luckily its with Luke, or else they may have had a chance at finding it. My father gripped my arm tighter from where it stayed and I whimperd, admitting,"The man let me do it anyways, as long as I did not go around telling people! I will not tell you where I got it done though, I promised I wouldn't."

My mother tsked at me,"I should have known you would have run off with that boy. You are grounded. I will be locking your window, making sure Emma is watching you when we are not home and sadly I will not take your phone away. But, that is only because we need to contact you when at work."

I held back a grin, knowing Emma will help me sneak out to see Luke and acted sad, nodding my head in shame. She then said,"We're going shopping tomorrow for Christmas presents and I will get that piercing removed."

"No way. I am not taking this out. I will go shopping and do as told, but I am keeping this in," I told her sternly, ripping my arm out of my father's grip and gave them one last look before rushing upstairs to my room and shutting the door.

They don't care about me. I know they don't. That is why they barely care that I sneak out. I am positive they know I do, they just don't care and act like they do whenever they feel the

need to act like good parents.

I guess tonight was one of those nights.

I grabbed my phone, texting Luke a sweet dreams with a little 'x' and he responded with the same, adding princess which made me blush and giggle slightly. It made me feel like a girl, but I do not mind.

He just makes me feel special and when I took off my bandana and looked at my piercing in the mirror, it reminded me of him. How we both have something that only the two of us could share and no one will take that away from me.

-The good thing about school was I get to see Luke and my parents cannot do anything about it, which made me very happy. They can keep me in the house all they want, but they cannot control me at school.

Surely they would never move schools for me, because that would take too much of their time and money. Even if they hate Luke and how I'm 'changing' and embarrassing them, they know changing schools could cause rumors to fly and they would not want that.

Nick was the first to notice my piercing. I was going to wear my bandana, but I could not due to the dress code. It felt wrong going against it. It was during lunch and I was waiting for Luke, eating my packed lunch Emma made, since my mother did not talk to me this morning.

"Whoa, is that a piercing?" Nick asked, moving my hair from my ear to look at it with wide eyes. I nodded and he chuckled in amusement,"Wow, who knew Ashton Irwin would get a cartilage piercing?"

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