Chapter 19

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[Ashton's POV]

"Ashton, its okay baby. I promise, we're gonna be fine," Luke tried assuring as we sat in a jail cell while the officer chatted to some guy about the location we have spray painted and how much of a fine we would have to pay.

I shook my head, wiping my eyes fiercely in embarrassment for crying and told Luke,"I told you we would get in trouble. I said we should have just went to the lake or something, b- but no. You just had to spray paint a stupid wall."

He frowned, biting my lip and shrugged,"I know. I'm really sorry princess, I didn't mean for you to get into trouble. I just wanted us to have fun and do something exciting. I do this all the time, I never got in trouble before. Well, except one time but that's it."

I gaped at him in disbelief, "Seriously? You got caught before and you still do it? Do you have a death wish?"

He chuckled, wrapping an arm around me and rubbed it comfortingly. I was kind of mad, but considering we're in a jail cell I wanted to be close to him. I was going to get murdered when my parents find out.

We stayed like this for a bit till the officer came by and opened the cell, explaining,"Alright kids, we decided to go a bit easy on you, Ashton. Seeing as your record is clear. But, the wall you have vandalized happens to be an office building and the fine you'll have to pay is 500 dollars, but you will not have probation."

I frowned, but nodded and Luke asked,"What about me?"

"Mr. Hemmings, it seems you have a record or offenses and have been arrested 3 times. One for stealing, another for driving without a license and one again for vandalism." I looked at my boyfriend in shock and the officer explained,"Due to these, your fine will be 800 dollars and 3 days in jail unless bailed out, which will be an extra 200 dollars."

My heart faltered and I saw Luke groan, rubbing his face in frustration as the officer motioned for us to follow him. I grabbed Luke's hand, giving it a small squeeze and he just sighed, giving me a sad smile.

When the officer handed us a phone, he told us to call our parents to come pick me up and/or bail out Luke and when the man left to look over some paper work on us, I turned to Luke and asked worried,"What are you gonna do? Do you even have 1,000 dollars?"

"I did," He admitted, but told me,"I spent it on your present and the bills. It's okay, Ash. I can spend 3 days in here, it's no big deal. Just call your parents and get out of here. I know you wanna leave."

I shook my head,"They are going to be so mad."

"Don't you have a maid or something? Ella?" He asked in confusion, brushing his thumb over my knuckles softly, causing me to shiver bit at the light touch.

I shrugged,"I don't have her number. I only know my parents by heart. Besides, she's a maid. I doubt she has 500 dollars on her." He nodded in understanding and I frowned,"I guess I shall call my father. He does not hate you as much as my mother does. I believe he will be more...okay with this."

Luke gave my hand a squeeze as I dialed my father's number, waiting for him to pick up. Soon his deep voice answered,"Hello?"

"Um, hi dad," I said quietly, glancing at Luke before saying awkwardly,"I kind of got in a sticky situation and need some help. I am so sorry, but I am at the police station and sort of need 500 dollars."

It was silent for a minute and Luke face-palmed, whispering hastily,"Ashton, you can't just go right out and say that."

"I'm sorry, this is my first time being in a situation like this," I grumbled, heart pounding when my father did not reply and said into the phone,"I know you are mad, but please? I am so sorry, father."

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