Chapter 26

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[Ashton's POV]

"What did he do to you, Ashton? Did he hit you?" My mum asked in anger, eyeing me for bruises and tried tugging off my jacket to check my arms.

I looked at her with disbelief,"Of course not, he would never hit me!"

"Why are you crying then?" She pressed, looking annoyed now as if the only reason someone should cry is if they are hit or abused. Luke would never abuse me or anyone, he may be a jerk right now and I may be mad, but I would never imagine him that way.

Before I could respond, my father came upstairs and said,"That little punk thinks he can cheat on my son, next time he think that he can come into this house I am calling the damn cops, no one is going to embarrass us like that!"

"You kicked him out?! Did you hurt him?" I asked in horror, hoping he did not lay a hand on Luke, because he is still my boyfriend. Or at least, I assume he is. I didn't want to break up, I was just upset. I didn't like seeing him kissing another boy, or person in general. I thought when you're dating that you can only kiss the person you're with.

My father rolled his eyes,"It does not matter if I did or not, just know security will be raised and he won't be back. Now, goodnight and get to bed. The party is tomorrow."

I nodded slowly, watching them leave and laid in my bed, curling up with the jacket and sighed sadly. I invited Luke, but now I doubt he would come to the party. It's a masquerade where you wear masks, which is strange since it's a new years party, but we are not normal.

I kind of want him to come, maybe we can work this out now that I got some of the story. I was still confused as to why he sent the photo if he didn't want to break up, but I won't get any answers unless we get to talk.

-The party was really boring, most people would think a new years party would be amazing and there would be tons of dancing and live chatter about the new year coming and setting goals they will never achieve.

However, the song Only If by Enya was playing and it wasn't a good song to play at a party like this and everyone was in suits or dresses, wearing masks and sipping on their fancy alcoholic drinks while faking smiles to people they don't like.

I was wearing a grew tux that was fitting and white under shirt along with a silver mask that covered half of my face. I leaned against the wall on my shoulder, staring at everyone with very little interest and wanted to go upstairs, but my mum insisted I stayed down here and I would rather not upset her, since she threatened boarding school with me.

"Nice ass."

I jumped, turning to see Ethan smirking and Max glaring at his boyfriend. They were matching with Ethan having a red tux and white mask while Max had a white tux and red mask. It was weird, but they looked cute together so it reminded me of valentines day.

I blushed at his comment, saying awkwardly,"Um, thanks I guess. Nice...face?"

"Aw, shucks," Ethan faked a bashful expression, burying his face in Max's chest and said to him,"He thinks I have a nice face, love. Isn't that so sweet?"

Max frowned,"I always tell you that."

"Yeah, but it's nice hearing it from someone cute." I laughed when Max smacked him and Ethan held his hands in defense,"Sorry, sorry. C'mon, let's dance and imagine this song is Blow by Ke$ha and maybe I can blow you later."

I tilted my head in confusion,"What does that mean?"

Max's face went red and he exclaimed,"Nothing, nothing! Um, we're going to dance, do you wanna come with us?"

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