Chapter 1

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[Luke's POV]

On my walk back home, I couldn't help but feel bad for Ashton. The Maron brother's were jacked up and pretty much mess with anyone who doesn't live in our town. I've known them for years and let's just say, we're not on good terms.

Aside from that, Ashton didn't deserve to be beat up. Usually I would ignore someone getting hurt by them, but he looked so scared and lost. I could tell right away he didn't belong here, just by his reaction. People are use to violence where I live, but he wasn't and I had this urge to help him.

I sighed, turning through the alley and at the end was the door that led to my house. I opened it, hearing the door creak and walked inside, shutting it. There wasn't a lock, which wasn't very safe, but nothing in my life was.

I groaned, covering my eyes,"Calum, Mikey! I said no make out in the living room!"

They quickly pulled away from each other, and I shook my head in amusement when Mike blushed and Calum rolled his eyes, telling me,"Whatever. We saw you and the Maron brothers arguing."

Michael nodded, wiping his mouth slightly,"Yeah, why'd you help the preppy kid?"

I scoffed, taking off my jacket and tossing it on the floor, making my way through the tiny, dirty living room. "He's not preppy. And cause he was getting hurt by those jackasses, why shouldn't I help him?"

"Cause he's probably some rich, spoiled brat who shouldn't even be over here anyways," Calum replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

I raised an eyebrow, chuckling,"Seriously? You can't just assume that. I'm headin' to bed now, it's late. Night."

They both mumbled a good night and I went to my room. Our apartment has 2 bedrooms and they share the master bedroom, since they have to share one. Even if it's the master, it's only a bit bigger than mine and they're really small rooms.

I sighed, shutting my door and changing quickly into my sweats and shirt. Afterwards, I grabbed my phone, which is an old flip one, and plugged it in the charger, then shut off my lamp light and went to bed on my old, lumpy, sheet-less mattress.

-When it was time for school, I woke up and realized I was going to be late. I quickly looked around my room for clothes, and face-palmed when seeing there was no clean ones. I reluctantly got my jeans out of the dirty clothes and a clean, black shirt that says 'You Complete Me', then rushed out, tugging on my socks and sneakers.

Calum was up and rummaged through the cabinets, tossing me a pop tart as I rushed by. He laughed, asking,"What, you're not gonna brush your teeth or hair?"

"Can't," I said with my mouth full, but Michael handed me mouth wash and I rolled my eyes,"I'm eating!"

"Hurry up," He ordered.

I quickly chewed my food and grabbed the mouth wash, gargling then spit it out. When I was done, I grabbed my skateboard and backpack, then ran out the door, shouting,"Bye!" Before skateboarding to school.

The thing is, though we're all 17, I was the only one who decided to stay in school. Calum dropped out because he was annoyed of school, but Michael just left with his GED and they both work while I'm at school, so we can pay for the apartment.

I decided to stay in school, even though I think it's dumb and not necessary. It can help me get a job, even though I won't go to college. Plus, school keeps me entertained during the day, though I don't talk to people.

By the time I was at school, I was thankfully early and grabbed a cigarette from my back pocket, along with the lighter I stashed. I lit it up and took a drag, sighing in relief. No one was around, since they're already probably walking to school, so I was off the hook.

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