Chapter 9

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[Ashton's POV]

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin," My mum scolded, telling with a glare,"Your grades have dropped drastically. Teachers keep calling and it is rather annoying and embarrassing to hear them tell me how you are having trouble paying attention."

I frowned, wincing at her voice when it raised,"I am sorry, mother."

"You better be, young man. How do you think your father and I feel, having our friends over and saying how smart their children are when we have a son with B's in his classes," She exclaimed, narrowing her eyes and began fixing her dress slightly, getting ready to leave and go out with my father and their friends.

I shrugged, guilt filling me. I hate disappointing people, it made me feel terrible. She raised me and took care of me, yet I go and fail at school? I am suppose to have straight A's and be her smart, amazing son. Not this failure that gets distracted when a cute boy with tattoos and piercings makes silly faces.

"I will raise my grades, I promise," I told her, and she nodded. "Do I have piano practice today?"

"No, you missed it and Ms. Lee was very upset. Honestly, what has gotten into you? Your grammar has changed, clothes wrinkled as if you could careless about how trashy you look, and now you are skipping practice?" She huffed, crossing her arms and looking at me with suspicion, putting the pieces together.

I shifted awkwardly under her gaze, mumbling,"I don't know..."

Suddenly, she gasped and asked in horror,"Are you communicating with that trashy kid? I told you to stay away from him! He is corrupting you and turning you into a hooligan! Do you want to end up on the streets like him?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "We are just friends, mother."

"You better be, I do not like you going against gods ways. But, if you were to, I would appreciate it at least being with a boy that respects himself enough to look decent in front of others," She told me, and despite what she said, I was happy to hear she's warming up to me being gay.

One step closer.

I smiled at the A Thousand Years reference I made, and shook my head, arguing,"He has lots of respect. He cares about me, mum. He always tells me to keep my head held high and to take risks. He makes me happy."

"Taking risks is dangerous, he will get you into trouble and I am telling you; don't talk to him." Her phone suddenly beeped and she took it out, texting her friend most likely. I find

it weird when adults text.

However, I gave her privacy and sat down on the couch, taking out my phone and played some games Luke downloaded for me. I never downloaded them, since I thought they were useless and caused brain damage.

But, he took my phone one day and just got me all these apps, insisting that if I had a phone able to do that, then I should take advantage of it. He had a flip phone and it only had tetris and bejeweled, so understood where he was coming from.

What my mum said hurt me, she basically implied that I was a disappointment to her. When she told me a while ago how I was not suppose to be here, meaning she did not want a child, I was upset, but now she is telling me once again how I keep ruining her life.

I didn't mean to. I just want to have fun, to be with Luke and joke around, stealing candy and be adventurous. At first, I was scared. I thought I would be doing something that could end with me getting hurt, but he told me to take risks and I realized he was right, if I didn't take them now, then I would regret it later in life.

After a few minutes, my mum walked through the door way and sighed,"Ashton, Ms.Lee told me to remind you about your piano recital coming up. You need to focus more, we cannot have you messing up and embarrassing us in public."

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