Chapter 12

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[Luke's POV]

After dropping off Ashton, I drove home on my motorcycle and when I went to park it, I heard a terrible voice say,"It seems like Lucifer isn't a good listener."

I rolled my eyes, turning to the Moran brothers and sighed,"What do you want, jackass? I had a nice night and don't need you ruining it."

"A friend of mine saw Ashton at the party last week, in our neighborhood." Damian walked closer to me, tracing a pattern on my motorcycle and smirked,"Since you won't keep the posh-ass boy away, I guess I'll have to handle it myself."

A glint in his eye had me shove him against the brick wall, sneering in his face,"Touch Ashton and I'll kill you. He didn't do anything wrong, leave him the fuck alone."

I was tugged off him by his brothers and Travis dusted off his jacket, laughing darkly,"You don't scare me, Hemmings. I warned you and now your little boy-toy is gonna have to pay the consequences. Keep him away."

The two boys released me roughly, giving me dirty looks before following their older brother like the followers they were. I gulped slowly, letting out a breath. This is why I didn't want to be with Ashton, he's gonna get hurt because of me.

But, it's too late now, I'm already too into him to stop hanging out. I sighed and unlocked my door then walked inside, seeing Calum and Michael laying on the couch, cuddled together and watching a movie on the tiny TV.

They looked up when I walked in, and I realized I gave Ashton my jacket. A smile formed on my face when remembering how cute he looked in it. The date was so perfect, and those 2 kisses were amazing. He was amazing.

Calum scoffed, asking sarcastically,"How was your rich-boy date?"

"Did he complain about the ratchet food or low prices?" Michael added, then mocked a posh accent saying,"Oh dear Lucas, I cannot fathom eating this nasty thing you call a burger! Order me a caviar, please."

I glared, flicking them off and muttered,"I'm going to my room, night assholes."

They both mumbled a goodbye and I shut my door, changing into one of my two pairs of pajamas before jumping on my bed, hearing it creak and grabbed my phone, flipping it open and sent Ashton a text reading:

[To: Ashton :)]

Night princess, sweet dreams :) x

He replied not long after, and I smiled.

[From: Ashton :)]

Night prince, don't let the bedbugs bite :) x

I snorted at the nickname 'prince' but it was replaced with a grin, and I put my phone on the charger, getting my small blanket and snuggled into my flat pillow, drifting asleep and tried not to think about the Moran Brothers, only dreaming of Ashton.

-The next day, I went to school on my skateboard this time. Sometimes I try not to drive my motorcycle everywhere in case something happens to it. I went into school, putting my bag away and grabbed my books before heading down the hall.

I spotted Ashton at his locker and smiled when seeing he was wearing skinny jeans and a grey shirt. I like the look, but if he went back to his old clothes I wouldn't mind. Either way, he's still Ashton.

I didn't like that he wanted to change to be cool. He was fine the way he way he was. But, I

then realized maybe this is the real Ashton. He may be dressing how he wants to be and just doesn't realize it, and that made me smile cause I brought it out of him and made him be his true self.

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