Chapter 7

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[Ashton's POV]

"Alright," Mr. Henderson said, finishing the instructions and handed out the papers,"Now, work with your lab partner and share the microscope. But, don't make your partner do all of the work."

Luke snorted, when our teacher gave him a knowing look. I sighed and saw him playing around with his pencil. Mr. Henderson handed us our worksheets and I scooter my chair over, to get closer to the microscope and placed the slide of an onion underneath it.

Luke rolled his eyes and I began working. As I went through the questions, occasionally

scooting the microscope towards Luke, I noticed he was not using it and just playing around with his pencil and scribbling doodles in his notebook.

"Are you not going to do the assignment?" I frowned, fixing my glasses slightly when they slid down my nose.

He scoffed, giving me a look of disbelief,"Duh, schools stupid."

"But, this is work a lot of our grade this quarter. You might fail the class," I retorted, not understanding why he just would not answer a few questions. It's not that hard and he can finish quickly if he tried.

Luke smirked, nudging me with his elbow,"You're such a dork sometimes. I don't care if I fail this class, it's not gonna help me in life anyways."

"But, it helps you get into university," I retaliated, looking at the questions and compared mitosis and meiosis, then told him,"All we have to do is look at the items in the slide and compare and contrast them."

However, he just shrugged and went back to doing what he was doing; joking around. I sighed, but did my work. Not long after I started, Luke began messing around with me and I would usually be annoyed, but I was not.

He used the eraser of his pencil, poking my cheek and said in a funny voice,"You mad? Are you mad? Is Mr. Irwin annoyed of me? Should I use the pointy part? Heh, that sounds so dirty. Are you too posh to get the joke?"

"Luke," I chuckled, pushing him away, but he just started poking my sides and a giggle left my mouth, causing me to blush when everyone turned their attention to me. I quickly looked down, ignoring when Luke started making funny faces.

He glanced at the microscope, and stood up, looking at the item. His nose scrunched slightly and he mumbled,"That looks like a ding-a-ling."

I couldn't help the sound that came out of my mouth, which was a laugh but far too loud and sounded like a dying cat. I smacked my hands over my mouth, Mr. Henderson giving me a strange look and I groaned at the smug look on Luke's face.

"Mr. Irwin, are you having trouble focusing?" Our teacher asked, seeming confused about my interruption. It was not common that I got called out, and I winced at all the looks people were giving me. Some amused while others simply annoyed at my behavior.

I shook my head, sheepishly saying,"I apologize, I thought I saw a cockroach."

He grimaced and nodded, going back through his paper work. Luke snorted, whispering,"I

bet he needs to get laid."

"Please stop distracting me, I need to focus," I pleaded, frowning and looked back at the papers, placing the ones I finished to the corner and grabbed my pen, continuing filling in the diagram now.

A confused expression was on Luke's face and he seemed hesitant about something. Suddenly, he asked with caution,"Do your parents pressure you? You know, like make you do your work and study like crazy?"

Debating on what to say, I sighed and nodded, not looking up at him,"Yes, I'm use to it though and just do it for fun now. The only way I can go to university is to keep my straight A's and concentrate on my academics."

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