Chapter 16

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[Luke's POV]

Christmas was soon, which made it even become more needed for me to get a job. I tried everywhere, pretty much every store in the mall and supermarket around town. Yet, no one wanted me to work with them.

Finally, I decided to try Sing N' Dine, where Ashton and I went for our date. I was beyond happy when they offered me a job as the dish washer. After getting my schedule, I grinned and practically skipped to my motorcycle, driving home.

When I got home, I spotted the Moran brothers and quickly went inside, too pissed off to deal with their shit. They hurt Ashton, I wanted so badly to beat them up. However, the risk of getting arrested due to so many cops being around at night, was far too high.

I went inside, slamming the schedule on the table in front of Michael and Calum, yawning and said,"I got a job, now get off my ass. Wake me up at 8, I have to go to Ashton's recital tonight. Night."

They rolled their eyes in sync and I nearly snorted at how couply that was, but went in my room and plugged in my phone, sending Ashton a cute little text to make sure he knows he'll do great and promising to be there then drifted to sleep.

-When I woke up, it wasn't because of Michael or Calum. I yawned, looking around in confusion, wondering what time it was since they didn't wake me. I flipped open my phone, eyes widening when seeing it was 9:26PM and the recital was at 8PM.

I quickly got up, grabbing the tux Ashton let me borrow and grabbed a bag, stuffing the tux inside along with a bag of skittles. I snatched my phone, tugging on my shoes while rushing out of the room and was beyond pissed when seeing Calum and Michael nonchalantly cuddling on the couch, watching a movie on the tiny TV.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted, causing them to jump and look at me as I sneered,"I told you to wake me up at 8, it's almost 9! Are you trying to ruin my relationship or something? Cause you probably did if I don't make it there in time!"

"Calm down, dammit. He's not something to get worked up over," Calum rolled his eyes, turning to watch the movie again as Michael ignored me, laying his head on Calum's shoulder, snuggling into his arms.

I huffed, making my way to the door and said,"Have fun with your relationship while I make sure I still have one!"

When I got outside, I jumped on my bike, tugging on the helmet and drove toward the building where Ashton's recital was. He showed me it a couple days ago when giving me the tux, making sure I went to the right place.

I was hoping he hasn't performed yet, since the recital was really long. Maybe I can still make it, I was hoping I would. It wasn't my fault, they didn't wake me up and I wanted to

stay awake throughout the recital, so I took a nap. I hope Ashton understands.

When I got there, I parked my bike in an parking spot, got off and ran inside the building, glad the doors were unlocked and opened the doors toward the auditorium where some girl was playing the piano.

I sighed, biting my lip and searched for a bathroom so I could change. I found a sign saying restrooms and went inside there, changing in a stall into the tux, stuffing my clothes in the bag and hiding the bag behind the toilet, keeping the stall locked so the couldn't get stolen and crawled underneath the stall.

When I made it to the auditorium, someone else was playing and I snuck quietly down to the front, knowing Ashton reserved a seat for me away from his parents. I smiled when seeing a rose where my seat was, Name on a paper taped to the seat and sat down, twirling the rose between my fingers.

I saw a lady next to me and whispered,"Did Ashton Irwin go yet?"

Much to my relief, she shook her head and assured,"Not yet, there are 3 people yet. I believe he's next."

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