Chapter 27

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[Luke's POV]

After leaving Ashton's place, I had a grin on my face and felt a million times better than I did when I arrived. I could still hear the cheering of new years going on as I hopped on my motorcycle and left to my side of town.

But, when I parked by the door of my house, I was suddenly aware of the fact that Michael

and Calum were ruining my relationship. They were purposely trying to break us up and it pissed me off.

I huffed, taking off my helmet and placed it on my bike then entered the house, seeing the couple playing some card game. I slammed the door shut and the two jumped, then let out a sigh of relief when seeing me.

"Hey, Luke," Calum said casually, not aware of the angered look on my face. I clenched my fist, narrowing my eyes when he began passing out the cards. I grabbed them from his hands, throwing them to the side and he gaped at me, "What the hell, man!"

I gripped his shirt, tugging him to his feet and sneered,"You're a fucking dickhead, I am done with your shit Calum. You and Michael have done nothing but treat me like some kid and messed up my relationship with Ashton."

"Luke, please calm down," Michael pleaded, trying to release my grip on Calum. But, I shook my head when seeing Calum just looking careless about the situation.

He scoffed,"You're still gonna be with the rich kid? He's gonna leave you, Luke. He will find someone just as rich as him and drop you for the guy. It doesn't matter if he has tattoos or piercings, he will be nothing like us. He'll always be some spoiled brat who cares more about a scratch on his 300 dollar shoes than you and nothing will change that. He's a bitch and way too selfish to care about anyone but himself-"

I smacked him right across the face, stumbling when Michael pushed me and I glared at the two, "I never want to hear you guys talk about him like that, if anything, you two are the selfish ones! I'm done with you guys. So done. It's honestly pathetic, cause I know you two are great people, but now you sicken me. Don't talk to me, we're not friends or brothers- nothing. Were flatmates now and the only time we're talking is when it comes to rent. I'm going to my room."

Michael's eyes widened, and he pleaded,"Luke, we can-"

"No, Michael. Just take care of your jackass boyfriend," I spat, slamming my door behind me and jumped on my mattress, hearing the springs squeak a bit. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and unlocked it, going through my photos. Yeah, I guess they did deleted it after sending it to Ashton.

I'm so disgusted with them right now. How could they do something so harsh? Apparently Calum was thinking I was replacing them with Ashton. But, no I wasn't. I stopped hanging out with them because of how they acted toward him. I've known them for years and this is the first time we ever fought like this. However, Ashton means the world to me and I won't let them talk about him like that.

I sighed, glancing at the picture of me and Ashton kissing. It was blurry due to my terrible,

cheap flip phone but I loved it. It made me smile and I thought back to when we first started dating, things were always complicated with our relationship but now it seems worse than ever.

Feeling the chain on my neck, I took out my necklace from under my shirt and read the words 'I loved you for a thousand years' and I knew Ashton had the other half. I may not have loved him for that long, but It feels like I have. We've been dating for over 2 months, time flew by and I only knew him for over 4, but does that even matter? People fall in love within a day, and I fell in love within 2 months.

I took out my phone and saw read the date, groaning when realizing school starts Monday. But, that means I can see Ashton without having to sneak over to his house and getting kicked out by his douchey dad.

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