Chapter 5

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[Ashton's POV]

When I woke up the morning after Luke left, I stayed in bed for a bit. Last night was amazing and very romantic. Luke's voice was so soothing and deep, sending chills down my spine and goosebumps on my skin.

He was singing a love song, and it was almost like he was singing it to me. He did say he instead of she, does that count for something? I don't know, were friends and I do not have any friends aside from Ethan and Max.

I sighed, hearing my alarm go off, since I was up a couple minutes earlier. I turned it off and got up, going to my closet and seeing the clothes my stylist picked out. Yes, I have a personally stylists. Mum made me, saying she did not approve of having a horridly dressed son.

I looked at the slick, black pants and button up white shirt. I shrugged, stripping and changing into the clothes than put my socks on then my polished shoes and shrugged on my maroon colored blazer. People make fun of my clothing choices, but I do not mind. They are simply immature and think being different is something wrong.

I made my way downstairs and saw our chef made breakfast; eggs Benedict, smoked salmon on bagels and a nice cup of freshly squeezed orange juice. I thanked him, sitting at the table and my mum walked in.

She glanced at me, shaking her head in shame and my dad walked in after her. I sighed, she never spoke to me last night and I assumed it was because of Luke. My father took a seat at the table near the end and my mum asked him,"Do you know what your son did last night?"

I slumped in my chair as he shook his head,"No, what happened?"

"He brought home a delinquent," She snapped, glaring at me and ordered,"Sit up Ashton, you will never get respect with that posture."

"Sorry, mum," I mumbled, sitting up and took a sip of my orange juice.

She scoffed,"Speak up."

My dad looked at me in confusion and anger,"A delinquent? What does your mother mean by this? Who are you bringing home? It is not a boyfriend, correct?"

I blushed, shaking my head and cleared my throat,"No, father. He is just a friend, I promise. It was raining and we were just chatting and getting to know each other. He took a shower and we talked a bit, then he left."

My mum glared at me, then furtherly explained to my father,"This boy is trashy and looks like he belongs in a gang. He has tattoos, piercings and clothes that looked like be bought them at Wal-Mart."

I gaped at her, she should not speak about Luke that way. He may have bad clothing choices, but it is not his fault. He just does not have the luxury I do, and I think he looks fine. So what if he has millions of tattoos and piercings? He is his own person and so am I.

My dad gave me a stern look,"I do not approve of you being friends wit him. He might corrupt you, and I do not want you changing on me. This is why we did not want you going to public school."

"I have to go to school father, can we please talk about this later?" I sighed, and they reluctantly nodded.

I got up and got my book bag, going outside and getting in the car with my driver. He was a lot nicer than my parents, he at times would say funny jokes and try to make me smile

when I was sad. I called him Uncle Ken.

"How many South Americans does it take to change a lightbulb?" He asked, glancing at me quickly before turning back to the road.

I shrugged, and he chuckled before saying,"A brazillion!"

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. He pulled into the school lot and I got out, telling him,"Thank you Uncle Ken."

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