Chapter 14

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[Luke's POV]

I didn't like the fact that Ashton was using my habit of smoking against me so that he could try it. I didn't want him to smoke, he could get sick or get cancer. I mean, so could I but It wasn't very likely since I haven't yet.

Still, it worried me so I was going to try and stop. Or, at least not do it around him. It was a start and at least he'll be safe. After us making out for a bit, which was amusing since Ashton was scared to, I dropped him off at school so his driver could pick him up.

I went back home and groaned when seeing Damian standing near my house. He looked at me with a smirk on his face and I parked my motorcycle, taking off my helmet and fixed my hair up a a bit, looking at him expectantly.

He chuckled,"So, it seems like I haven't seen your boy toy around, I'm very proud of you Lucifer."

"Same goes for you, Damian Moron. You're actually walking around without your other Moron brothers," I said in fake happiness, rolling my eyes and said,"I'm not bringing Ashton around, don't worry. I wouldn't want him to catch your stupidity."

He glared, gripping my jacket hood and yanked me toward him forcefully, saying through gritted teeth,"Don't call me stupid, you dick."

"Well, I am what I eat," I smirked, kneeing him in the balls when he tried punching me and watched as he fell to the ground, clenching his groin and looked at me with dark, hooded eyes that made me run to my house just in case he got up.

When I opened the door, Calum grabbed my arm immediately and dragged me to where Michael was sitting at our taped up table and slammed a paper in my hands, making me stumble back a bit.

"If we don't pay rent in the next two weeks, we're getting evicted," Calum explained while I read the paper, that said exactly that but with bigger words and a lot of unneeded explanations saying we have been late on rent.

I frowned,"Sorry guys. I can try to get a job again, it'll be hard though. I barely got hired at Hot Topic."

"We wouldn't have to be rushing to pay rent if you went out and got a job these past few weeks instead of running around with your posh boyfriend and punching guys in the face then getting suspended," Michael retorted, giving me a stern look.

I gritted my teeth, clenching my fist and sneered,"I'm really getting sick of you guys ganging up on him! I'm sure if one of you got beat up, you'd rush over and punch the fuck out of

the guy who hit them!"

"T-That's different!" Calum exclaimed in exasperation, giving me a glare.

I rolled my eyes,"And how is it different?"

"I love Michael," He insisted, while Michael nodded as if saying 'and I love Calum'.

"Well, I'm falling for Ashton! So, one day I'll end up being in love with him but it won't happen if you guys keep trying to push me away from him for no freaking reason," I shouted, getting up and said,"I'm going job hunting, don't call me."

They looked down and I shut the door behind me, getting back on the bike and decided to try to find another job at the mall. It was a big place and tons of teens are offered jobs there, so I might as well try.

-No one said yes.

Many didn't even allow me to be interviewed.

It was the depressing realization that my looks aren't accepted by many. I tried wearing my jacket to hide my tattoos, but they still showed on my neck. Plus, I had piercings and couldn't take them out at the moment.

After trying pretty much every job and store, I gave up and got back on my bike. I went by Ashton's place, even though his mum pretty much threatened me to stay away and tried making Ashton dump me.

When I got there, I saw his driver was gone, so that must mean his parents are out. I smirked and typed in the code for the gate, I knew I'd need it at some point. I snuck through and went to the tree by Ashton's window, climbing up it.

Once at the top, I steadily moved across and was blessed with the fact that the window was unlocked. I slowly opened it, seeing Ashton wasn't inside and went in, almost tripping over the leg of his desk.

I looked around and shrugged, sitting on his bed waiting for him. I grabbed his phone, unlocking it and being nosy. I played some games and laughed at the pictures of us. It wasn't bad, he told me I could always go on it since he has nothing to hide.

It want long till I heard the door open and looked up, eyes widening when seeing Ashton with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He shrieked when seeing me and I walked over, eyeing his chest while slowly licking my lips, running it across my lip ring.

"You scared me, why do you always do that?" He groaned, then saw my expression and face grew red while trying to hide his body. But, I grabbed his arms and moved them, towel secure and he said sheepishly,"Stop staring."

"I can't help it, you're gorgeous," I whispered, latching my lips to his neck and nibbled it lightly causing a small moan to leave his lips. I chuckled, kissing up his neck and to his lips, kissing him passionately while moving us to the bed, falling on it, me on top.

My hands roamed his bare body, loving the feeling of his small sixpack. He hummed against my lips, tongues roaming one anothers mouth until he pushed me off gently, panting slightly and said,"I-I don't want to move too fast..."

"It's fine, I'm sorry babe. I just...couldn't help it," I admitted, motioning to his body and he covered his face in embarrassment. However, I moved his hands and kissed him sweetly,"Don't hide your face, love."

"M'sorry. I-I'm gonna get dressed," He stuttered, moving from under me and went to his closet, about to change until he saw me. I groaned, covering my eyes and closed them until he said,"Done."

He was wearing flannel pajama bottoms and a black shirt. I nodded approvingly and he chuckled, sitting next to me and asked,"Why are you here? Not that I do not appreciate you dropping by. Again."

"I was going job hunting since I need to help pay the bills and I couldn't find anything so I decided to come here and see you," I explained, looking around his room to examine it since I never really looked at it before.

He nodded slowly, but then said,"My mum doesn't want you here. It is not safe to come here, maybe we should go to your place more."

"No," I said instantly, blushing a bit at the thought of him seeing my place. It is nothing like his and I don't want him to see it. Plus, the Moran brothers live close by and would see him, then Ashton would be in trouble.

However, Ashton frowned looking slightly offended,"Why not? We have never been to your place and I want to see it."

"We just can't, anyways what have you been doing today?" I asked, trying to change the subject while giving him a kiss on the cheek to distract him.

He went with it and said,"I played the piano a bit and just relaxed. I wanted to see if you could make it to my recital. It would mean the world to me."

I smiled, nodding when he gave me a pleading look,"Of course, I promise I'll be there." 

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